
Advanced Micro Devices

ASUS K7V-RM Mainboard, 850MHz Athlon processor

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SPECfp95 --
SPECfp_base95 27.4

Benchmark # and Name Reference Time Base Run Time Base SPEC Ratio Peak Run Time Peak SPEC Ratio
101.tomcatv 370096.538.3----
102.swim 860014260.6----
103.su2cor 140093.914.9----
104.hydro2d 240016814.3----
107.mgrid 250015116.5----
110.applu 220014515.2----
125.turb3d 410021718.9----
141.apsi 210080.426.1----
145.fpppp 960096.799.3----
146.wave5 300075.739.6----
SPECfp_base95 27.4
SPECfp95 --

Tester Information:
SPEC License #: 49
Tested By: --
Test Date: Feb-2000
Hardware Avail: Feb-2000
Software Avail: Nov-1999

Hardware Information:
Model Name: Asus K7V-RM (Via KX-133)
CPU: AMD Athlon processor 850MHz
FPU: Integrated
Number of CPU(s): 1
Primary Cache: 64KBI + 64KBD
Secondary Cache: 512KB(I+D), 340MHz
Other Cache: none
Memory: 256MB PC-133 SDRAM (CAS-2)
Disk Subsystem: IBM DJNA-351520
Other Hardware: 3DBlaster Annihilator w/ 32MB DDR

Software Information:
Operating System: Windows NT 4 Workstation with SP6a
Compiler: Compaq Visual Fortran V6.1, KAI VKAP V3.6
File System: NTFS
System State: Default


Base: /optimize:5 /fast /WKscalaropt 

The tested system can be assembled using an ATX mid-tower case such as 
the Antec KS-282 and a 300W ATX power supply such as the Sparkle FSP300-60GT. 

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