

Series E 604

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SPECint95 --
SPECint_base95 4.14

Benchmark # and Name Reference Time Base Run Time Base SPEC Ratio Peak Run Time Peak SPEC Ratio
099.go 46008995.12----
124.m88ksim 19004324.40----
126.gcc 17004453.82----
129.compress 18004623.90----
130.li 19005073.75----
132.ijpeg 24004295.60----
134.perl 19005703.33----
147.vortex 27007333.68----
SPECint_base95 4.14
SPECint95 --

Tester Information:
SPEC License #: 5
Tested By: Motorola, Urbana, Illinois
Test Date: Jan-96
Hardware Avail: Nov-95
Software Avail: Jan-96

Hardware Information:
Model Name: Series E 604
CPU: 133 MHz PowerPC 604
FPU: Integrated
Number of CPU(s): 1
Primary Cache: 16KBI+16KBD
Secondary Cache: 256 L2 Cache
Other Cache: None
Memory: 128MB
Disk Subsystem: 540MB
Other Hardware: --

Software Information:
Operating System: AIX 4.1
Compiler: IBM C Set++ Version 3.1.3
KAP for IBM C Version 1.4
File System: AIX/JFS
System State: init level 1


Baseline Optimizations: 
-O -qarch=ppc -Q=500 -qpdf1/-qpdf2

Portability: 126.gcc: -ma ; 134.perl: -DI_TIME -DI_SYS_TIME

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Tue Feb 27 2:04:24 PST 1996

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