
Digital Equipment Corp.

Alpha PC164SX

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SPECfp95 16.1
SPECfp_base95 14.1

Benchmark # and Name Reference Time Base Run Time Base SPEC Ratio Peak Run Time Peak SPEC Ratio
101.tomcatv 370020617.915523.9
102.swim 860041220.925334.0
103.su2cor 14001618.7113610.3
104.hydro2d 24003087.803077.82
107.mgrid 250016015.614617.1
110.applu 22002638.372498.82
125.turb3d 410028814.327415.0
141.apsi 210010919.210719.6
145.fpppp 960048519.847520.2
146.wave5 300017117.515319.6
SPECfp_base95 14.1
SPECfp95 16.1

Tester Information:
SPEC License #: 2
Tested By: Digital NH
Test Date: Nov-97
Hardware Avail: Nov-97
Software Avail: Jan-98

Hardware Information:
Model Name: Alpha PC164SX Motherboard
CPU: 533 MHz 21164PC
FPU: Integrated
Number of CPU(s): 1
Primary Cache: 16KB(I)+8KB(D) on chip
Secondary Cache: 1MB off chip
Other Cache: none
Memory: 128MB
Disk Subsystem: 1x2GB
Other Hardware: Ethernet

Software Information:
Operating System: Windows NT V4.0 SP3
Compiler: Visual Fortran V5.0-471-337P
KAP 1.1 k280622 970328
SPIKE 1.1Beta (Build 156)
File System: NTFS
System State: Multi User


compiler: kf77
baseline: -pipeline 

tomcatv:  /fkapargs="/ag=ab /fuselevel=2" 
swim:     /fkapargs="/tune=ev5 /ag=ab" -optimize:5 -tune:ev5
su2cor:   -transform_loops 
hydro2d:  /fkapargs="/ur=8 /ur2=400 /ipa_optimize=2" -pipeline -inline:speed 
mgrid:    /fkapargs="/fuselevel=1 /ipa" -optimize:5 
applu:    /fkapargs="/tune=ev5 /fuse /ag=a" -optimize:5 -notransform_loops -tune:ev5
turb3d:   /fkapargs="/tune=ev5 /fuse /fuselevel=2 /ipa" 
apsi:     /fkapargs="/tune=ev5 /ag=ab /ipa_optimize=2" -optimize:5 -notransform_loops
fpppp:    /fkapargs="/so=0 /o=0" -optimize:2  
wave5:    /fkapargs="/ipa /ag=a /ur=5 /ur2=600" -pipeline

fpppp adds spike feedback:
LDOPT = -link -fixed:no -debug -debugtype:fixup
fdo_pre1   = rename %exename% orig & spike -pixie orig %exename%
PASS1      =
fdo_post1  = spike orig %binary% -fb %benchname% -dev -split_thresh .001 -hco

Tested system can be used with: Axxion DL17 ATX enclosure; Quantum Power Labs, Inc 300W ATX power supply.
AlphaPC PC164SX Motherboard product description and documentation located at (url current November 1997, subject to change):

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