00:00:21 4781MB | log started Mon Aug 14 08:44:11 2023 00:00:21 4781MB | Arnold [ec8a2acc] windows x86_64 clang-15.0.7 oiio-2.4.1 osl-1.12.9 vdb-7.1.1 adlsdk- clmhub- rlm-14.2.5 optix-6.6.0 2023/04/18 02:41:43 00:00:21 4781MB | host application: MtoA 6e67ae93 (fix-5.3.1) Maya 2024 00:00:21 4781MB | running on DESKTOP-LHAK9IO, pid=12936 00:00:21 4781MB | 1 x 13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-13900HX (32 cores, 32 logical) with 65220MB 00:00:21 4781MB | NVIDIA driver version 528.92 (Optix 60805) 00:00:21 4781MB | GPU 0: NVIDIA RTX 5000 Ada Generation Laptop GPU @ 2115MHz (compute 8.9) with 16375MB (15708MB available) (NVLink:0) 00:00:21 4781MB | Windows 10 (version 10.0, build 22621) 00:00:21 4781MB | soft limit for open files is set at 2048 00:00:21 4781MB | 00:00:30 13803MB | [color_manager] using color manager of type "color_manager_ocio" 00:00:30 13803MB | [color_manager] unable to determine rendering color space chromaticities, assuming "sRGB" 00:00:30 13803MB | 00:00:30 13803MB | rendering image at 640 x 480, 3 AA samples 00:00:30 13803MB | AA samples max 00:00:30 13803MB | AA sample clamp 00:00:30 13803MB | diffuse samples 2 / depth 1 00:00:30 13803MB | specular samples 2 / depth 1 00:00:30 13803MB | transmission samples 2 / depth 8 00:00:30 13803MB | volume indirect 00:00:30 13803MB | total depth 3 00:00:30 13803MB | bssrdf samples 2 00:00:30 13803MB | light 00:00:30 13803MB | transparency depth 10 00:00:30 13803MB | node initialization done in 0:00.00 (multithreaded) 00:00:30 13803MB | updating 43 nodes 00:00:30 13803MB | node update done in 0:00.00 (multithreaded) 00:00:30 13803MB | [aov] parsing 2 output statements ... 00:00:30 13803MB | [aov] registered driver: "arv_display" (driver_arv) 00:00:30 13803MB | [aov] * "RGBA" of type RGBA filtered by "defaultArnoldFilter/gaussian_filter" (gaussian_filter) 00:00:30 13803MB | [aov] * "object" of type NODE filtered by "_renderViewDefault/closest_filter" (closest_filter) 00:00:30 13803MB | [aov] done preparing 4 AOVs for 2 outputs to 1 driver (0 deep AOVs) 00:00:30 13803MB | starting 30 bucket workers of size 16x16 ... 00:00:31 13934MB | 0% done - 13480 rays/pixel 00:00:34 14461MB | 5% done - 446 rays/pixel 00:00:37 14930MB | 10% done - 619 rays/pixel 00:00:40 15243MB | 15% done - 569 rays/pixel 00:00:44 15453MB | 20% done - 534 rays/pixel 00:00:47 15788MB | 25% done - 591 rays/pixel 00:00:51 16378MB | 30% done - 527 rays/pixel 00:00:54 16207MB | 35% done - 525 rays/pixel 00:00:57 17809MB | 40% done - 453 rays/pixel 00:00:59 17809MB | 45% done - 391 rays/pixel 00:01:01 17809MB | 50% done - 456 rays/pixel 00:01:03 17814MB | 55% done - 384 rays/pixel 00:01:04 17814MB | 60% done - 368 rays/pixel 00:01:06 17814MB | 65% done - 295 rays/pixel 00:01:07 17815MB | 70% done - 260 rays/pixel 00:01:08 17815MB | 75% done - 218 rays/pixel 00:01:09 17815MB | 80% done - 218 rays/pixel 00:01:10 17815MB | 85% done - 217 rays/pixel 00:01:11 17815MB | 90% done - 205 rays/pixel 00:01:11 17815MB | 95% done - 215 rays/pixel 00:01:12 17815MB | 100% done - 148 rays/pixel 00:01:12 17815MB | render done in 0:41.988 00:01:12 17815MB | render done 00:01:12 17816MB | 00:01:12 17816MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:01:12 17816MB | scene creation time 0:21.02 machine utilization (0.00%) 00:01:12 17816MB | unaccounted 0:21.02 00:01:12 17816MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:01:12 17816MB | frame time 0:51.42 machine utilization (82.96%) 00:01:12 17816MB | rendering 0:41.98 00:01:12 17816MB | pixel rendering 0:41.98 00:01:12 17816MB | unaccounted 0:09.43 00:01:12 17816MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:01:12 17816MB | top session self-times by category 00:01:12 17816MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:01:12 17816MB | top session self-times by node 00:01:12 17816MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:01:12 17816MB | peak CPU memory used 18080.07MB 00:01:12 17816MB | at startup 844.85MB 00:01:12 17816MB | AOV samples 2.03MB 00:01:12 17816MB | output buffers 0.21MB 00:01:12 17816MB | node overhead 0.00MB 00:01:12 17816MB | message passing 0.06MB 00:01:12 17816MB | memory pools 82.76MB 00:01:12 17816MB | geometry 779.52MB 00:01:12 17816MB | polymesh 779.52MB 00:01:12 17816MB | accel structs 385.33MB 00:01:12 17816MB | strings 24.50MB 00:01:12 17816MB | texture cache 0.78MB 00:01:12 17816MB | unaccounted 15960.03MB (note: interactive session) 00:01:12 17816MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:01:12 17816MB | ray counts ( /pixel, /sample) (% total) (avg. hits) (max hits) 00:01:12 17816MB | camera 3074400 ( 10.01, 1.00) ( 2.55%) ( 1.96) ( 11) 00:01:12 17816MB | shadow 61279772 ( 199.48, 19.93) ( 50.78%) ( 2.04) ( 11) 00:01:12 17816MB | volume_shadow 31789113 ( 103.48, 10.34) ( 26.34%) ( 2.31) ( 11) 00:01:12 17816MB | diffuse_reflect 15333518 ( 49.91, 4.99) ( 12.71%) ( 1.76) ( 11) 00:01:12 17816MB | specular_reflect 3232994 ( 10.52, 1.05) ( 2.68%) ( 1.82) ( 11) 00:01:12 17816MB | specular_transmit 5976215 ( 19.45, 1.94) ( 4.95%) ( 2.78) ( 11) 00:01:12 17816MB | total 120686012 ( 392.86, 39.26) (100.00%) ( 2.11) ( 11) 00:01:12 17816MB | by ray depth: 0 1 2 3 00:01:12 17816MB | total 29.3% 56.9% 11.1% 2.7% 00:01:12 17816MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:01:12 17816MB | shader calls ( /pixel, /sample) (% total) 00:01:12 17816MB | primary 131161867 ( 426.96, 42.66) ( 42.82%) 00:01:12 17816MB | transparent_shadow 118131398 ( 384.54, 38.42) ( 38.56%) 00:01:12 17816MB | volume 57049873 ( 185.71, 18.56) ( 18.62%) 00:01:12 17816MB | total 306343138 ( 997.21, 99.64) (100.00%) 00:01:12 17816MB | by ray depth: 0 1 2 3 00:01:12 17816MB | total 26.1% 57.0% 13.5% 3.4% 00:01:12 17816MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:01:12 17816MB | geometry (% hit ) (instances) ( init mem, final mem) 00:01:12 17816MB | lists 1 ( 0.0%) ( 0) ( 0.00, 0.00) 00:01:12 17816MB | polymeshes 14 (100.0%) ( 0) ( 1154.98, 779.52) 00:01:12 17816MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:01:12 17816MB | geometric elements ( min) ( avg.) ( max) 00:01:12 17816MB | polygons 16552009 ( 1) ( 1182286.4) ( 10861992) 00:01:12 17816MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:01:12 17816MB | triangle tessellation ( min) ( avg.) ( max) (/ element) (% total) 00:01:12 17816MB | polymeshes 32976434 ( 2) ( 2355459.5) ( 21723984) ( 1.99) (100.00%) 00:01:12 17816MB | unique triangles 32976434 00:01:12 17816MB | CPU memory use 779.52MB 00:01:12 17816MB | vertices 208.27MB 00:01:12 17816MB | vertex indices 178.08MB 00:01:12 17816MB | packed normals 68.53MB 00:01:12 17816MB | normal indices 177.99MB 00:01:12 17816MB | uv coords 0.15MB 00:01:12 17816MB | uv coords idxs 91.55MB 00:01:12 17816MB | uniform indices 44.58MB 00:01:12 17816MB | userdata 0.00MB 00:01:12 17816MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:01:12 17816MB | OpenImageIO Texture statistics 00:01:12 17816MB | Options: gray_to_rgb=true flip_t=false max_tile_channels=6 00:01:12 17816MB | Queries/batches : 00:01:12 17816MB | texture : 40177137 queries in 40177137 batches 00:01:12 17816MB | texture 3d : 0 queries in 0 batches 00:01:12 17816MB | shadow : 0 queries in 0 batches 00:01:12 17816MB | environment : 0 queries in 0 batches 00:01:12 17816MB | gettextureinfo : 2 queries 00:01:12 17816MB | Interpolations : 00:01:12 17816MB | closest : 0 00:01:12 17816MB | bilinear : 23529669 00:01:12 17816MB | bicubic : 130571597 00:01:12 17816MB | Average anisotropic probes : 3.84 00:01:12 17816MB | Max anisotropy in the wild : 1e+06 00:01:12 17816MB | 00:01:12 17816MB | OpenImageIO ImageCache statistics (0000023B09386040) ver 00:01:12 17816MB | Options: max_memory_MB=4096.0 max_open_files=1536 autotile=0 00:01:12 17816MB | autoscanline=true automip=false forcefloat=false 00:01:12 17816MB | accept_untiled=true accept_unmipped=true deduplicate=true 00:01:12 17816MB | unassociatedalpha=false failure_retries=0 openexr:core=0 00:01:12 17816MB | Images : 3 unique 00:01:12 17816MB | ImageInputs : 3 created, 0 current, 1 peak 00:01:12 17816MB | Total pixel data size of all images referenced : 717 KB 00:01:12 17816MB | Total actual file size of all images referenced : 404 KB 00:01:12 17816MB | Pixel data read : 717 KB 00:01:12 17816MB | File I/O time : 0.0s (0.0s average per thread, for 30 threads) 00:01:12 17816MB | File open time only : 0.0s 00:01:12 17816MB | Tiles: 3 created, 3 current, 3 peak 00:01:12 17816MB | total tile requests : 158618189 00:01:12 17816MB | micro-cache misses : 90 (0.0%) 00:01:12 17816MB | main cache misses : 3 (0.0%) 00:01:12 17816MB | redundant reads: 0 tiles, 0 B 00:01:12 17816MB | Peak cache memory : 717 KB 00:01:12 17816MB | Image file statistics: 00:01:12 17816MB | opens tiles MB read --redundant-- I/O time res File 00:01:12 17816MB | 1 1 1 0.2 0.0s 500x 127x3.u8 C:/SPEC/SPECapc/Maya2024/models/Wood-scene-paint-FX/bark.jpg UNTILED 00:01:12 17816MB | 2 1 1 0.3 0.0s 200x 389x4.u8 C:/SPEC/SPECapc/Maya2024/models/Wood-scene-paint-FX/leaf.tga UNTILED 00:01:12 17816MB | 3 1 1 0.2 0.0s 200x 389x3.u8 C:/SPEC/SPECapc/Maya2024/models/Wood-scene-paint-FX/leaf_alpha.jpg UNTILED 00:01:12 17816MB | 00:01:12 17816MB | Tot: 3 3 0.7 ( 0 0.0) 0.0s 00:01:12 17816MB | 3 not tiled, 3 not MIP-mapped 00:01:12 17816MB | Broken or invalid files: 0 00:01:12 17816MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:01:12 17816MB | number of warnings, warning type: 00:01:12 17816MB | 1: %s: unknown reason 00:01:12 17816MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:01:12 17816MB | performance warnings: 00:01:12 17816MB WARNING | Scene creation was a significant amount of total time (29%). Consider optimizing this process first. 00:01:12 17816MB | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:01:17 13020MB | unloading 10 plugins 00:01:17 13020MB | closing alembic_proc.dll ... 00:01:17 13020MB | closing cryptomatte.dll ... 00:01:17 13020MB | closing usd_proc.dll ... 00:01:17 13015MB | closing hairPhysicalShader_shaders.dll ... 00:01:17 13015MB | closing lookdevkit_shaders.dll ... 00:01:17 13015MB | closing mtoa_shaders.dll ... 00:01:17 13015MB | closing renderSetup_shaders.dll ... 00:01:17 13015MB | closing xgenSpline_shaders.dll ... 00:01:17 13015MB | closing xgenSpline_procedural.dll ... 00:01:17 13015MB | closing xgen_procedural.dll ... 00:01:17 13015MB | unloading plugins done 00:01:17 13015MB | Arnold shutdown