OPC Group Approves Viewperf 5.1;
First Numbers Slated for June '97

The OpenGL Performance Characterization (OPC) project group has approved Viewperf 5.1; the first reporting of performance numbers under the new version is scheduled for the June 1997 issue of the GPC News. Viewperf 5.1 will also be available for free downloading from the GPC News at that time. Viewperf 5.1 will not require changes to current viewsets, so results will be comparable to previous ones under Viewperf 5.0.

The new version of Viewperf includes a compile-time flag to determine whether function pointers will be used in the inner loops or not; submitting vendors have the option of using or not using the pointers. Viewperf 5.1 also corrects the walkthrough mode behavior on Windows NT systems and provides better documentation.

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