SPECviewperf MESSAGE: Welcome to SPECviewperf 12.0.1
SPECviewperf 12.0.1 settings:
setting              source               value               
viewperf root        default              (null)              
viewset name         viewset config       energy-01           
viewset library      viewset config       energy-01           
window x             viewset config       10                  
window y             viewset config       20                  
window width         viewset config       1900                
window height        viewset config       1060                
multisample          viewset config       0                   
screen               viewset config       0                   
threads              viewset config       2                   
results dir          viewset config       c:\SPEC\SPECgpc\SPECviewperf12\results\energy-01
END SPECviewperf settings
Number of frames run: 360, Test period: 13.79 (sec)   26.11	frames/sec	--	Test1
Number of frames run: 360, Test period: 18.66 (sec)   19.29	frames/sec	--	Test2
Number of frames run: 162, Test period: 15.90 (sec)   10.19	frames/sec	--	Test3
Number of frames run: 54, Test period: 14.46 (sec)    3.73	frames/sec	--	Test4
Number of frames run: 54, Test period: 13.40 (sec)    4.03	frames/sec	--	Test5
SPECviewperf MESSAGE: Viewset Message: This subtest will not run with less than 4GB of GPU Memory
Number of frames run: 24, Test period: 13.51 (sec)    1.78	frames/sec	--	Test6
SPECviewperf MESSAGE: Viewset Message: This subtest will not run with less than 4GB of GPU Memory
Number of frames run: 24, Test period: 13.15 (sec)    1.82	frames/sec	--	Test7