SPECapc Creo TM 3.0 benchmark scoring utility Installed graphics supports a minimum of 8x MSAA so compare results only to 8x MSAA results OVERALL ________________________________________________________________________________ Graphics Composite (groups 3-8) = 5.45 CPU Composite (group 1) = 2.70 I/O Composite (group 2) = 2.02 GRAPHICS SUB-SCORES ________________________________________________________________________________ Shaded Graphics Subscore (group 4) = 5.57 Shaded Edges Graphics Subscore (group 5) = 5.55 Shaded Reflection Graphics Subscore (group 6) = 6.34 Wireframe Graphics Subscore (group 3) = 3.66 Hidden Graphics Subscore (group 7) = 4.74 No-hidden Graphics Subscore (group 8) = 4.88 APPLICATION WORKFLOWS ________________________________________________________________________________ Worldcar_Graphics (test 1) = 4.95 Worldcar_Regen (test 2) = 2.11 Worldcar_Retessellation (test 3) = 1.72 Worldcar_Engine_Mass_Properties (test 4) = 2.93 Worldcar_Load_Erase_Load (test 5) = 1.76 Worldcar_Body_Graphics (test 6) = 4.39 IGES_Import_Export (test 7) = 2.38 Worldcar_Engine_Drawing_New (test 8) = 3.15