SPECjAppServer2002 Result BEA WebLogic Server 8.1 SP1 on HP DL 360 Cluster Metric: 613.23 TOPS@MultipleNode 257.75 US$/TOPS@MultipleNode Submitter: HP, SPEC license # 3, Test date: Jul-2003 EJB Container Avail: Jul-2003, EJB Container JVM Avail: Jul-2003 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benchmark Settings -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Orders Injection Rate: 355 # of Order Agents: 1 # of Manufacturing Agents: 1 DB Load Injection Rate: 355 Ramp Up Time: 600 seconds Ramp Down Time: 300 seconds Steady State Time: 1800 seconds Trigger Time: 385 seconds Total System Cost: US$158,061 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Detailed Results -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Order Transaction Mix Count Tx. Mix New Order 320,736 50.11% Change Order 127,518 19.92% Order Status 127,679 19.95% Customer Status 64,100 10.02% Total # Order Transactions 640,033 Total # Manufacturing Transactions 463,786 Response Times Average Maximum 90th% Reqd New Order 0.09 6.90 0.20 2.00 Change Order 0.09 6.95 0.20 2.00 Order Status 0.03 1.37 0.10 2.00 Customer Status 0.04 2.05 0.10 2.00 Manufacturing 3.28 9.66 4.75 5.00 Reproducibility Run (TOPS) 615.10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Software Descriptions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EJB Container Name: BEA WebLogic Server 8.1 SP1, Advantage Edition Vendor: BEA Systems, Inc. Available: Jul-2003 Instances: 2 Passed CTS: Apr-2003 Protocol: RMI/T3 JVM Name: BEA WebLogic JRockit 8.1 SP1 SDK JVM Vendor: BEA Systems, Inc. JVM Available: Jul-2003 Tuning Information -Dweblogic.management.discover=false JVM Tuning Information -jrockit -Xms1792m -Xmx1792m -Xgc:parallel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supplier Domain Container Name: BEA WebLogic Server 8.1 SP1, Advantage Edition Vendor: BEA Systems, Inc. Available: Jul-2003 JVM Name: BEA WebLogic JRockit 8.1 SP1 SDK JVM Vendor: BEA Systems, Inc. JVM Available: Jul-2003 Tuning Information -Dweblogic.management.discover=false JVM Tuning Information -jrockit -Xms1792m -Xmx1792m -Xgc:parallel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Emulator Container Name: BEA WebLogic Server 8.1 SP1, Advantage Edition Vendor: BEA Systems, Inc. Available: Jul-2003 JVM Name: BEA WebLogic JRockit 8.1 SP1 SDK JVM Vendor: BEA Systems, Inc. JVM Available: Jul-2003 Tuning Information -Dweblogic.management.discover=false JVM Tuning Information -Xms512m -Xmx512m -Xgc:parallel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Database Name: Oracle9i Database Release 2, Standard Edition V9. Vendor: Oracle Corporation Available: May-2002 Tuning Information Commands in initspec.ora for Oracle: compatible= cursor_space_for_time = TRUE db_block_buffers = 600000 db_file_multiblock_read_count = 128 db_files = 256 dml_locks = 2000 enqueue_resources = 6000 log_buffer = 16777216 log_checkpoint_interval = 2147483647 processes = 1000 open_cursors = 2000 shared_pool_size = 100000000 sessions = 1000 transactions = 1000 transactions_per_rollback_segment = 1 parallel_max_servers = 100 undo_management = AUTO undo_retention = 5 undo_suppress_errors = TRUE undo_tablespace = undotbs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JDBC Name: Oracle JDBC Driver v9. (Type 4) Vendor: Oracle Corporation Available: Sep-2002 Tuning Information StatementCacheSize=300 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Software Name: Vendor: Available: Tuning Information -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hardware Descriptions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J2EE Application Server (2 systems) Hardware Vendor: HP Model Name: ProLiant DL360 G3 Processor: Intel Xeon DP MHz: 3060 # of CPUs: 2 cores, 2 chips, 1 core/chip Memory (MB): 3072 L1 Cache: 12Kuops(I)+8KB(D) L2 Cache: 512KB Other Cache: OS Vendor: Red Hat OS Name: Red Hat Advanced Server 2.1 QU2 Disks: 1x36Gb 10K RPM U320 HDD Network Interface: (2) 1000BaseT Ethernet Other Hardware: # of Systems: 2 H/W Available: Jul-2003 O/S Available: Apr-2002 Notes / Tuning Information Parameters added to /etc/sysctl.conf fs.file-max=65535 kernel.shmmax=1073741824 net.ipv4.tcp_sack=0 net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps=0 vm.bdflush=100 1200 128 512 15 5000 100 0 0 Network interfaces were bonded using HP tested and approved driver - bonding-1.0.2-6.src.rpm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Database Server (1 system) Hardware Vendor: HP Model Name: ProLiant DL580 G2 Processor: Intel Xeon MP MHz: 2800 # of CPUs: 2 cores, 2 chips, 1 core/chip Memory (MB): 4096 L1 Cache: 12Kuops(I)+8KB(D) L2 Cache: 512KB Other Cache: 2048KB (L3 Cache) OS Vendor: Red Hat OS Name: Red Hat Advanced Server 2.1 QU2 Disks: 2x36Gb 10K RPM U320 HDD Network Interface: 1000BaseT Ethernet Other Hardware: Smart Array 5312 Controller, Storage Works 4354R Rackmount, 10x36GB 10K U320 HDD # of Systems: 1 H/W Available: Jul-2003 O/S Available: Apr-2002 Notes / Tuning Information Parameters added to /etc/sysctl.conf net.ipv.tcp_max_syn_backlog=8192 kernel.msgmni=1024 kernel.sem=1000 32000 32 512 fs.file-max=65535 kernel.shmmax=2147483648 kernel.shm-use-bigpages=1 Append to kernel boot option in grub.conf bigpages=2100MB Configuration for Smart Array 5312: 100% Battery-backed Write Cache Acceleration enabled 4x36GB 10K U320 RAID0 for Data in ext2 fs 6x36GB 10K U320 RAID0+1 for Logs on raw slices Mounted Data file partition with noatime option -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Load Driver (1 system) Hardware Vendor: HP Model Name: ProLiant DL560 Processor: Intel Xeon MP MHz: 2800 # of CPUs: 4 cores, 4 chips, 1 core/chip Memory (MB): 6144 L1 Cache: 12Kuops(I)+8KB(D) L2 Cache: 512KB Other Cache: 2048KB (L3 Cache) OS Vendor: Red Hat OS Name: Red Hat Advanced Server 2.1 QU2 Disks: 1x72GB 10K RPM U320 HDD Network Interface: (2) 1000BaseT Ethernet Other Hardware: # of Systems: 1 H/W Available: Jul-2003 O/S Available: Apr-2002 Notes / Tuning Information Parameters added to /etc/sysctl.conf fs.file-max=65535 net.ipv4.tcp_sack=0 net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps=0 JVM Version used: Java (TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition Version 1.4.1 JVM arguments used: -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m The Linux max thread limit is 1024 by default. Rebuilt libpthread.so after increasing the limit to 8192. Changed max thread stack size to 256K from 2048K. The following was done to increase the number of file descriptors Parameter changes in /etc/security/limits.conf soft nofile 8192 hard nofile 8192 Added in /etc/pam.d/login session required /lib/security/pam_limits.so Network interfaces were bonded using HP tested and approved driver - bonding-1.0.2-6.src.rpm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Emulator (1 system) Hardware Vendor: HP Model Name: ProLiant DL360 G3 Processor: Intel Xeon DP MHz: 3060 # of CPUs: 2 cores, 2 chips, 1 core/chip Memory (MB): 2048 L1 Cache: 12Kuops(I)+8KB(D) L2 Cache: 512MB Other Cache: OS Vendor: Red Hat OS Name: Red Hat Advanced Server 2.1 QU2 Disks: 2x36GB 10K RPM U320 HDD Network Interface: 1000BaseT Ethernet Other Hardware: # of Systems: 1 H/W Available: Jul-2003 O/S Available: Apr-2002 Notes / Tuning Information Parameters added to /etc/sysctl.conf fs.file-max=65535 net.ipv4.tcp_sack=0 net.ipv4.tcp_timestamps=0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benchmark Modifications -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Schema Modifications: An oc_version column and trigger were added to tables which had an isolation level of optimistic concurrency. Table sizes were increased to support larger injection rates. Some storage clauses were modified to improve performance Two indexes were created in the M_largeorder table: CREATE UNIQUE INDEX M_lo_idx ON M_largeorder (lo_id) CREATE UNIQUE INDEX M_OL_O_idx ON M_largeorder (lo_o_id , lo_ol_id ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Load Program Modifications: To make the load program work with or without an optimistic concurrency column, the database load program was changed to load specific columns. The modified source code is included in the FDA. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reference Bean Modifications: No modifications were made to the reference beans. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benchmark Configuration Information -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Persistence Mode Used: All beans were deployed using CMP. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Isolation Requirement Info: SPEC_REQUIREMENT Deployment CORP: RuleEnt Read_Committed RC DiscountEnt Read_Committed RC CustomerEnt Read_Committed RC MFG: AssemblyEnt Read_Committed OPTCONC BomEnt Read_Committed Sel-4-Upd ComponentEnt Read_Committed RC PartEnt Read_Committed OPTCONC WorkOrderEnt Repeatable_Read OPTCONC LargeOrderEnt Read_Committed RC InventoryEnt Repeatable_Read Sel-4-Upd ORDERS: OrderLineEnt Repeatable_Read Sel-4-Upd OrderCustomerEnt Read_Committed RC ItemEnt Read_Committed RC OrderEnt Repeatable_Read Sel-4-Upd SUPPLIER: SupplierEnt Read_Committed OPTCONC SupplierCompEnt Read_Committed OPTCONC SComponentEnt Repeatable_Read Sel-4-Upd POEnt Repeatable_Read OPTCONC POLineEnt Repeatable_Read OPTCONC Transaction consistency for those beans specifying field groups was proven by manual analysis of the source code. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Durability Requirement Info: RAID1 disk mirroring was used to ensure durability for the database logs -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Storage Requirement Info: A 45 minute run at an injection rate of 350 increased storage by 192 MB. This extrapolates to 2.046 GB of storage growth for an 8-hour run. The database system is configured with 360 GB of storage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Argument Passing Semantics: BEA WebLogic 8.1 uses pass-by-value as required by the EJB Specification. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other Benchmark Information -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This submission used the xerces.jar version 1.4.3 provided with the SPECjAppServer2002 kit. Round Robin DNS was used to balance the workload over multiple WebLogic instances. The DNS server was run on one of the application server nodes. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Notes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No errors were reported during the final or reproducibility run -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For questions about this result, please contact the submitter: HP For other inquiries, please contact SPEC Benchmark run on Mon Jul 07 17:06:53 CDT 2003 by SPECjAppServer2002 v1.14 Result submitted on Wed Jul 9 03:03:00 EDT 2003 Report generated by SPECjAppServer2002 Reporter v1.01 Copyright (C) 2002 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation