SPECjbb2000 34772 ops/s
Compaq Computer Corporation AlphaServer ES40 6/833
Compaq Computer Corporation Fast Virtual Machine (Fast VM) v1.3.1-1 for Tru64 UNIX
SPEC license # 2, Tested by: Compaq Computer Corporation, Test date: Jul 23, 2001
SPEC scores
Warehouses Thrput
1 9379
2 18316
3 26856
* 4 35489
* 5 35247
* 6 34960
* 7 34551
* 8 33610
9 33868
10 33829
Throughput 34772
Vendor Compaq Computer | Vendor Compaq Computer
Corporation | Corporation
Vendor URL http://www.compaq.co | Vendor URL http://www.compaq.co
m | m
Model AlphaServer ES40 | Precompiler, if
6/833 | any
Processor Alpha 21264B | Precompiler
MHz 833 | Command Line
# of Procs 4 cores, 4 chips, 1 | Way Precompiler
core/chip | Excludes Methods
Memory (MB) 16384 | JVM Version Fast Virtual Machine
L1 Cache 64KB(I)+64KB(D) on | (Fast VM) v1.3.1-1
chip | for Tru64 UNIX
L2 Cache 8MB | Command Line java -fast
Other Cache none | -Xgc:compacting -XO
Filesystem UFS | -ms1024m -mx1024m
Disks 1 x 18GB SCSI | spec.jbb.JBBmain
Other H/W | -propfile 1024.props
| Initial Heap Mem 1024
| (MB)
| Max Heap Mem 1024
| (MB)
| JVM CLASSPATH ../jbb.jar:../jbb_no
| _precompile.jar:../c
| heck.jar:../reporter
| .jar
| JVM /usr/users/chris/fvm
| BOOTCLASSPATH 131_exp4/bin/../jre/
| lib/alpha/fast:/usr/
| users/chris/fvm131_e
| xp4/bin/../jre/lib/a
| lpha/native_threads:
| /usr/users/chris/fvm
| 131_exp4/bin/../jre/
| lib/alpha::/usr/user
| s/chris/fvm131_exp4/
| bin/../jre/../lib/al
| pha:/usr/lib:/usr/sh
| lib
| OS Version Compaq Tru64 UNIX
| 5.1 (PK3)
| System state normal
| Other S/W
| Operating system
| tunings
- vm-swap-eager=0
| UL>
| The command line flag
| -Xgc:compacting causes the
| Compaq Fast Java VM to use a new
| compacting garbage collector designed
| to enhance performance on multi-CPU
| systems.
Tested by Compaq Computer
SPEC License 2
Test Location Nashua, NH
Test Date Jul 23, 2001
JVM available Oct-2001
H/w available Feb-2001
OS available Jun-2001
Other s/w
* Details of Runs
Wh Score Tot. Used Thread elapsed Trans. Type Count Resp. Time (s)
Heap Heap spread > 120s total max
(MB) (MB) % %
1 9379 1024.0 32.5 <0.01 <0.01 new_order 489344 66.6 <0.01
payment 489348 25.5 <0.01
order_status 48935 2.26 <0.01
delivery 48936 8.18 .152
stock_level 48935 11.8 .160
2 18316 1024.0 48.5 1.04 <0.01 new_order 955635 133 .210
payment 955630 52.0 .204
order_status 95563 4.44 <0.01
delivery 95564 16.2 <0.01
stock_level 95565 23.3 .210
3 26856 1024.0 65.7 1.52 <0.01 new_order 1401175 198 .264
payment 1401178 79.0 .256
order_status 140118 6.68 <0.01
delivery 140118 24.2 .259
stock_level 140117 34.8 .264
4 35489 1024.0 84.0 1.48 <0.01 new_order 1851748 264 .317
payment 1851751 106 .316
order_status 185175 8.93 <0.01
delivery 185177 32.9 .302
stock_level 185173 44.5 .314
5 35247 1024.0 99.7 19.7 <0.01 new_order 1839044 333 .378
payment 1839043 132 .361
order_status 183907 11.7 .361
delivery 183903 38.7 .022
stock_level 183902 56.0 .353
6 34960 1024.0 115.5 26.6 <0.01 new_order 1824055 401 .406
payment 1824046 156 .382
order_status 182405 13.1 .035
delivery 182403 47.6 .369
stock_level 182409 69.4 .398
7 34551 1024.0 132.7 18.7 .026 new_order 1803145 460 .445
payment 1803142 186 .463
order_status 180312 16.2 .035
delivery 180315 55.9 .426
stock_level 180315 82.5 .444
8 33610 1024.0 146.8 22.2 <0.01 new_order 1753730 528 .493
payment 1753722 213 .481
order_status 175370 18.5 .083
delivery 175373 60.7 .448
stock_level 175372 93.5 .494
9 33868 1024.0 164.3 25.5 .013 new_order 1767251 600 .627
payment 1767246 234 .520
order_status 176724 20.9 .422
delivery 176727 70.7 .066
stock_level 176724 102 .540
10 33829 1024.0 179.1 24.2 <0.01 new_order 1765001 660 .595
payment 1764991 264 .596
order_status 176500 22.7 .052
delivery 176501 77.2 .117
stock_level 176501 119 .595
SPECjbb2000 Version: [SPECjbb2000 1.01, September 7, 2000]
Reporting page (C) Copyright SPEC, 2000-2002. All rights reserved