SPECjbb2005 SPECjbb2005 bops = 300843, SPECjbb2005 bops/JVM = 300843
NEC Corporation NX7700i/5040H-32
BEA Systems BEA JRockit(R) (build R27.1.0-109-73164-1.5.0_08-20061129-1421-windows-ia64)
Warehouses SPECjbb2005 bops Incl. in metric
1 8065
2 22639
3 35611
4 47593
5 57359
6 64660
7 70797
8 77330
9 88225
10 99928
11 114438
12 123154
13 133543
14 140497
15 147528
16 164263
17 175697
18 186212
19 189100
20 184769
21 209627
22 216320
23 225583
24 213930
25 239925
26 254265
27 241322
28 276509
29 282486
30 259473
31 291946
32 287253 *
33 283204 *
34 287250 *
35 286665 *
36 289846 *
37 307749 *
38 306969 *
39 306356 *
40 302256 *
41 306448 *
42 303108 *
43 307294 *
44 304849 *
45 301471 *
46 304854 *
47 301362 *
48 304424 *
49 305539 *
50 305429 *
51 304659 *
52 297475 *
53 300604 *
54 299152 *
55 304467 *
56 302596 *
57 305280 *
58 304170 *
59 297736 *
60 303430 *
61 295703 *
62 304992 *
63 300675 *
64 304555 *
SPECjbb2005 (from 32 to 64) 300843 SPECjbb2005 bops
SPEC license # 1184 Tested by: NEC Corporation Test date: Feb 14, 2007

Hardware Vendor NEC Corporation
Vendor URL http://www.nec.com
Model NX7700i/5040H-32
Processor Dual-Core Intel Itanium2 processor 9050
MHz 1600
# of Chips 16
# of Cores 32
# of Cores/Chip 2
HW Threading Enabled? No
Procs Avail to Java 32
Memory (MB) 262144
Memory Details 64 x 4GB DDR2-533 DIMMs
Primary cache 16KBI+16KBD on chip per core
Secondary cache 1024KBI+256KBD on chip per core
Other cache 12MB(I+D) on chip per core
Filesystem NTFS
Disks 1 x 73GB SCSI (OS+classes)
Other hardware  
Software Vendor BEA Systems
Vendor URL http://www.bea.com
JVM Version BEA JRockit(R) (build R27.1.0-109-73164-1.5.0_08-20061129-1421-windows-ia64)
JVM Command Line java -XXlazyUnlocking -XXthroughputCompaction -Xms240g -Xmx240g -XXaggressive -XXtlasize=4m -XXlargeObjectLimit=128k -XXallocClearchunks -XXLargePages spec.jbb.JBBmain -propfile SPECjbb.props
JVM Initial Heap Memory (MB) 245760
JVM Maximum Heap Memory (MB) 245760
JVM Address bits 64
JVM CLASSPATH .\jbb.jar;
JVM BOOTCLASSPATH C:\Program Files\Java\jrockit-R27.1.0-jre1.5.0_08\bin\jrockit\jrockit1.5.0.jar;
C:\Program Files\Java\jrockit-R27.1.0-jre1.5.0_08\bin\jrockit\managementapi.jar;
C:\Program Files\Java\jrockit-R27.1.0-jre1.5.0_08\bin\jrockit\jmxmapi.jar;
C:\Program Files\Java\jrockit-R27.1.0-jre1.5.0_08\bin\jrockit\rmp.jar;
C:\Program Files\Java\jrockit-R27.1.0-jre1.5.0_08\lib\rt.jar;
C:\Program Files\Java\jrockit-R27.1.0-jre1.5.0_08\lib\i18n.jar;
C:\Program Files\Java\jrockit-R27.1.0-jre1.5.0_08\lib\sunrsasign.jar;
C:\Program Files\Java\jrockit-R27.1.0-jre1.5.0_08\lib\jsse.jar;
C:\Program Files\Java\jrockit-R27.1.0-jre1.5.0_08\lib\jce.jar;
C:\Program Files\Java\jrockit-R27.1.0-jre1.5.0_08\lib\charsets.jar;
C:\Program Files\Java\jrockit-R27.1.0-jre1.5.0_08\classes
OS Version Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition for Itanium-based Systems, SP1
Other software  
Test Information
Tested by NEC Corporation
SPEC license # 1184
Test location Tokyo, Japan
Test date Feb 14, 2007
H/w available Sep-2006
JVM available Dec-2006
OS available Mar-2005
Other s/w available  
AOT Compilation
Using the local security settings console, "lock pages in memory" was enabled for the user running the benchmark.
Command line options are described at http://e-docs.bea.com/jrockit/jrdocs/refman/index.html

Details of Runs

Warehouses Thrput Total heap (MB) Thread spread % % > 120s transaction type Count Time (in seconds)
SizeUsed totalmax
1 8065 245760 47113 <0.01% <0.01 new_order 106391 14.9 .020
payment 73337 4.59 .020
order_status 7333 .600 .020
delivery 7333 4.12 .020
stock_level 7334 .590 .020
cust_report 40292 4.57 .020
2 22639 245760 67597 2.31% <0.01 new_order 298481 30.1 .020
payment 205877 8.41 .020
order_status 20589 .890 .010
delivery 20588 9.04 .020
stock_level 20588 1.00 .010
cust_report 113288 9.33 .020
3 35611 245760 67597 .615% <0.01 new_order 469794 46.3 .020
payment 323848 12.2 .020
order_status 32385 1.78 .010
delivery 32386 13.2 .020
stock_level 32385 1.37 .010
cust_report 177899 13.4 .020
4 47593 245760 86033 .643% <0.01 new_order 627835 60.7 .020
payment 432951 15.7 .020
order_status 43296 2.44 .010
delivery 43295 18.8 .020
stock_level 43295 1.75 .010
cust_report 238072 18.7 .020
5 57359 245760 102421 2.52% <0.01 new_order 756502 73.5 .020
payment 521617 19.8 .020
order_status 52162 2.74 .010
delivery 52162 25.0 .020
stock_level 52162 2.54 .010
cust_report 286746 23.9 .020
6 64660 245760 130073 2.40% <0.01 new_order 852494 85.3 .020
payment 588009 22.9 .020
order_status 58801 3.13 .010
delivery 58802 34.7 .020
stock_level 58802 2.81 .010
cust_report 323534 27.9 .010
7 70797 245760 153633 3.11% <0.01 new_order 933482 96.4 .020
payment 643827 25.6 .010
order_status 64384 3.81 .010
delivery 64382 44.0 .020
stock_level 64381 3.90 .010
cust_report 354162 32.7 .020
8 77330 245760 180269 9.21% <0.01 new_order 1019643 108 .020
payment 703464 29.7 .020
order_status 70349 4.31 .010
delivery 70347 53.1 .020
stock_level 70347 4.42 .010
cust_report 387294 37.1 .020
9 88225 245760 204861 20.8% <0.01 new_order 1163090 122 .020
payment 802314 34.0 .010
order_status 80232 5.29 .020
delivery 80232 56.9 .020
stock_level 80233 5.25 .010
cust_report 441539 42.1 .020
10 99928 245760 232541 22.7% <0.01 new_order 1317861 137 .020
payment 908741 37.6 .020
order_status 90874 5.92 .010
delivery 90876 62.1 .020
stock_level 90875 4.81 .020
cust_report 499626 47.6 .020
11 114438 245760 245760 20.4% <0.01 new_order 1509101 155 .020
payment 1040693 41.9 .010
order_status 104070 6.61 .010
delivery 104070 64.1 .020
stock_level 104066 6.07 .010
cust_report 572295 51.1 .010
12 123154 245760 89937 20.2% <0.01 new_order 1624288 168 .020
payment 1120322 46.7 .010
order_status 112033 6.48 .010
delivery 112035 71.0 .020
stock_level 112033 6.36 .010
cust_report 616359 55.9 .020
13 133543 245760 133247 17.7% <0.01 new_order 1761318 181 .020
payment 1214430 49.9 .010
order_status 121442 7.38 .010
delivery 121446 78.8 .020
stock_level 121442 6.66 .010
cust_report 667542 59.8 .010
14 140497 245760 173335 10.3% <0.01 new_order 1852716 192 .020
payment 1277665 53.5 .020
order_status 127765 7.48 .010
delivery 127767 87.7 .020
stock_level 127769 7.33 .010
cust_report 702618 64.9 .010
15 147528 245760 218304 7.60% <0.01 new_order 1946507 204 .020
payment 1342055 56.0 .010
order_status 134208 8.42 .010
delivery 134203 96.7 .020
stock_level 134206 7.87 .010
cust_report 737605 70.0 .020
16 164263 245760 245760 21.2% <0.01 new_order 2165751 223 .020
payment 1493790 60.9 .010
order_status 149381 9.19 .010
delivery 149378 95.7 .020
stock_level 149378 8.33 .010
cust_report 821851 74.9 .010
17 175697 245760 106234 22.6% <0.01 new_order 2316370 237 .020
payment 1597780 64.0 .020
order_status 159779 9.87 .010
delivery 159778 103 .020
stock_level 159778 8.52 .010
cust_report 879173 79.8 .010
18 186212 245760 156222 21.9% <0.01 new_order 2454944 252 .020
payment 1693405 69.2 .010
order_status 169339 9.69 .010
delivery 169337 107 .020
stock_level 169339 9.32 .010
cust_report 931863 83.9 .020
19 189100 245760 216306 21.7% <0.01 new_order 2493850 262 .020
payment 1719661 71.6 .020
order_status 171969 10.9 .020
delivery 171964 119 .020
stock_level 171968 9.68 .010
cust_report 945475 88.1 .010
20 184769 245760 32004 21.1% <0.01 new_order 2490443 290 2.19
payment 1717228 79.0 2.19
order_status 171726 11.3 .010
delivery 171719 118 .020
stock_level 171724 9.43 .010
cust_report 944032 94.1 2.18
21 209627 245760 106326 11.1% <0.01 new_order 2763345 289 .020
payment 1906332 77.7 .010
order_status 190632 12.0 .010
delivery 190634 133 .020
stock_level 190635 10.7 .010
cust_report 1049334 97.7 .010
22 216320 245760 182009 6.67% <0.01 new_order 2852113 300 .020
payment 1967196 81.4 .010
order_status 196719 11.7 .010
delivery 196723 141 .020
stock_level 196719 11.7 .010
cust_report 1082285 103 .020
23 225583 245760 241411 14.5% <0.01 new_order 2974157 313 .020
payment 2051448 85.6 .010
order_status 205148 13.1 .010
delivery 205142 147 .020
stock_level 205140 12.1 .010
cust_report 1128707 107 .020
24 213930 245760 91728 15.1% <0.01 new_order 2820907 305 2.34
payment 1946105 90.0 2.34
order_status 194614 17.1 2.34
delivery 194612 158 2.34
stock_level 194612 12.4 .010
cust_report 1071323 124 2.34
25 239925 245760 156383 22.4% <0.01 new_order 3164916 338 .020
payment 2182596 91.5 .010
order_status 218259 14.6 .010
delivery 218258 162 .020
stock_level 218260 13.9 .010
cust_report 1200271 118 .020
26 254265 245760 234668 18.5% <0.01 new_order 3352973 355 .020
payment 2312262 95.5 .010
order_status 231227 14.6 .010
delivery 231230 167 .020
stock_level 231230 14.7 .020
cust_report 1271575 120 .020
27 241322 245760 92224 17.8% <0.01 new_order 3181833 372 2.41
payment 2194572 96.9 2.41
order_status 219457 16.5 2.40
delivery 219455 168 2.40
stock_level 219458 17.5 2.41
cust_report 1207305 127 2.40
28 276509 245760 166352 19.4% <0.01 new_order 3647465 384 .020
payment 2515384 105 .010
order_status 251536 16.1 .010
delivery 251534 174 .020
stock_level 251536 14.9 .010
cust_report 1383335 132 .020
29 282486 245760 245492 9.29% <0.01 new_order 3724892 395 .020
payment 2568905 107 .020
order_status 256891 16.7 .010
delivery 256888 187 .020
stock_level 256892 15.2 .010
cust_report 1412923 135 .010
30 259473 245760 108856 4.83% <0.01 new_order 3423225 412 2.73
payment 2360417 116 2.72
order_status 236043 15.8 .010
delivery 236041 191 2.73
stock_level 236041 17.1 2.70
cust_report 1297619 136 2.70
31 291946 245760 210166 5.96% <0.01 new_order 3851121 414 .020
payment 2655831 115 .020
order_status 265584 18.3 .010
delivery 265576 207 .020
stock_level 265585 17.2 .010
cust_report 1460525 143 .020
32 287253 245760 236424 2.96% .054 new_order 30306930 3414 2.47
payment 20902450 936 2.46
order_status 2090247 146 2.45
delivery 2090246 1713 2.47
stock_level 2090243 140 2.46
cust_report 11497985 1209 2.46
33 283204 245760 35484 8.81% .050 new_order 29879540 3527 3.67
payment 20606936 1010 3.67
order_status 2060692 147 3.66
delivery 2060691 1723 3.67
stock_level 2060692 145 2.97
cust_report 11334334 1241 3.78
34 287250 245760 92971 18.5% .054 new_order 30309294 3649 3.48
payment 20902247 985 3.39
order_status 2090226 152 2.96
delivery 2090224 1801 3.49
stock_level 2090225 158 3.37
cust_report 11495222 1268 3.49
35 286665 245760 122025 22.5% .050 new_order 30244853 3740 4.40
payment 20858785 1030 4.29
order_status 2085876 164 4.27
delivery 2085877 1846 4.40
stock_level 2085880 144 .680
cust_report 11472745 1340 4.40
36 289846 245760 173916 29.4% .100 new_order 30597511 3847 4.95
payment 21100808 1083 4.85
order_status 2110077 164 .250
delivery 2110075 1899 4.95
stock_level 2110082 162 4.85
cust_report 11604092 1346 4.84
37 307749 245760 245760 36.8% .050 new_order 32468864 3813 3.28
payment 22392972 1140 3.07
order_status 2239295 179 2.45
delivery 2239292 2010 3.28
stock_level 2239296 162 3.04
cust_report 12317077 1429 3.18
38 306969 245760 135142 55.5% .054 new_order 32390306 3889 2.90
payment 22337085 1185 2.78
order_status 2233707 185 2.73
delivery 2233705 2064 2.85
stock_level 2233709 165 .490
cust_report 12283871 1471 2.93
39 306356 245760 228530 50.2% .100 new_order 32338139 3974 3.28
payment 22302692 1232 3.49
order_status 2230273 186 2.69
delivery 2230268 2103 3.21
stock_level 2230272 179 3.06
cust_report 12267255 1524 3.17
40 302256 245760 93969 43.8% .050 new_order 31889840 4127 3.61
payment 21993222 1237 3.27
order_status 2199316 196 3.27
delivery 2199322 2172 3.29
stock_level 2199322 185 3.28
cust_report 12096625 1529 3.49
41 306448 245760 174413 55.5% .050 new_order 32331241 4188 3.03
payment 22298279 1283 2.90
order_status 2229834 194 .600
delivery 2229823 2235 3.01
stock_level 2229824 191 2.69
cust_report 12265316 1584 2.91
42 303108 245760 36822 62.1% .100 new_order 31994446 4278 3.20
payment 22066270 1307 3.07
order_status 2206631 202 3.05
delivery 2206623 2321 3.08
stock_level 2206620 184 2.83
cust_report 12138116 1620 3.08
43 307294 245760 135947 52.9% .150 new_order 32453927 4414 3.08
payment 22382156 1357 3.08
order_status 2238214 208 3.08
delivery 2238209 2345 2.87
stock_level 2238218 185 2.74
cust_report 12310369 1648 2.96
44 304849 245760 233412 56.4% .054 new_order 32165554 4515 4.23
payment 22182827 1378 4.24
order_status 2218288 206 3.90
delivery 2218276 2423 4.35
stock_level 2218281 187 .610
cust_report 12200121 1670 4.11
45 301471 245760 110292 58.6% .050 new_order 31808396 4601 3.70
payment 21936140 1442 3.71
order_status 2193611 199 3.48
delivery 2193604 2454 3.71
stock_level 2193618 188 2.90
cust_report 12063898 1730 3.71
46 304854 245760 194143 67.7% .050 new_order 32164850 4666 3.60
payment 22182288 1443 3.36
order_status 2218234 225 3.15
delivery 2218222 2526 3.31
stock_level 2218229 205 3.14
cust_report 12199734 1786 3.43
47 301362 245760 77914 67.3% .050 new_order 31792911 4773 3.71
payment 21928188 1453 3.71
order_status 2192824 220 3.14
delivery 2192815 2658 4.43
stock_level 2192819 203 3.59
cust_report 12063463 1797 3.71
48 304424 245760 157131 68.4% .100 new_order 32133353 4976 3.92
payment 22162040 1471 3.69
order_status 2216207 219 3.92
delivery 2216199 2635 4.05
stock_level 2216204 213 3.58
cust_report 12190737 1818 3.93
49 305539 245760 37953 65.0% .050 new_order 32238120 5009 4.06
payment 22232147 1551 3.94
order_status 2223214 230 3.62
delivery 2223213 2676 4.06
stock_level 2223215 214 3.58
cust_report 12226159 1876 3.94
50 305429 245760 137065 66.0% .054 new_order 32226856 5069 4.12
payment 22225027 1558 4.00
order_status 2222502 228 3.66
delivery 2222503 2790 4.00
stock_level 2222503 219 4.00
cust_report 12223189 1930 4.12
51 304659 245760 237849 63.3% .050 new_order 32143380 5142 3.99
payment 22168135 1602 3.98
order_status 2216809 226 .730
delivery 2216804 2873 3.98
stock_level 2216810 219 3.35
cust_report 12192857 1974 3.80
52 297475 245760 110983 75.8% .150 new_order 31415684 5283 5.15
payment 21667011 1652 4.92
order_status 2166700 256 4.54
delivery 2166693 2782 4.68
stock_level 2166700 243 4.92
cust_report 11918316 2055 5.15
53 300604 245760 204459 70.3% .050 new_order 31716841 5447 7.73
payment 21873031 1658 7.25
order_status 2187301 240 7.25
delivery 2187304 2924 7.73
stock_level 2187309 234 7.37
cust_report 12029242 1977 7.14
54 299152 245760 79012 73.3% .100 new_order 31578588 5427 5.24
payment 21778259 1707 5.24
order_status 2177830 255 4.65
delivery 2177823 3015 5.36
stock_level 2177826 245 4.65
cust_report 11977914 2092 5.25
55 304467 245760 166567 72.0% <0.01 new_order 32109571 5614 4.69
payment 22144906 1696 4.34
order_status 2214490 261 4.22
delivery 2214482 3034 4.58
stock_level 2214491 266 4.08
cust_report 12180257 2088 4.41
56 302596 245760 38397 73.6% .429 new_order 32050692 5705 4.33
payment 22101463 1766 4.46
order_status 2210144 264 4.21
delivery 2210140 3124 4.45
stock_level 2210143 252 4.33
cust_report 12152209 2175 4.14
57 305280 245760 147349 75.7% .050 new_order 32209652 5786 4.41
payment 22213273 1780 4.79
order_status 2221324 289 3.91
delivery 2221319 3209 5.49
stock_level 2221329 259 3.79
cust_report 12216899 2119 4.27
58 304170 245760 240313 73.7% .054 new_order 32093554 5849 5.01
payment 22133411 1786 4.30
order_status 2213347 286 4.77
delivery 2213329 3260 4.53
stock_level 2213336 265 4.29
cust_report 12173287 2223 4.89
59 297736 245760 124009 76.6% .100 new_order 31425944 5903 5.29
payment 21675170 1864 5.17
order_status 2167518 281 5.05
delivery 2167510 3378 6.33
stock_level 2167515 236 4.61
cust_report 11924410 2267 5.41
60 303430 245760 212852 80.3% .050 new_order 32014260 6079 5.05
payment 22078681 1875 4.92
order_status 2207870 280 5.14
delivery 2207859 3340 5.05
stock_level 2207872 266 4.37
cust_report 12143132 2292 4.82
61 295703 245760 77644 80.9% .150 new_order 31227686 6106 6.11
payment 21537959 1858 5.99
order_status 2153788 280 4.49
delivery 2153790 3585 5.99
stock_level 2153791 262 5.20
cust_report 11848228 2291 6.11
62 304992 245760 189096 82.3% .050 new_order 32180682 6234 4.55
payment 22192326 1935 4.55
order_status 2219226 299 3.38
delivery 2219226 3441 4.79
stock_level 2219234 271 4.20
cust_report 12203970 2422 4.67
63 300675 245760 60203 69.4% .050 new_order 31726279 6412 4.69
payment 21878192 1944 4.90
order_status 2187821 291 3.99
delivery 2187816 3529 5.30
stock_level 2187817 275 4.01
cust_report 12030075 2392 4.17
64 304555 245760 167748 83.1% .050 new_order 32134598 6531 5.29
payment 22160563 1933 4.81
order_status 2216055 284 3.47
delivery 2216055 3718 5.32
stock_level 2216057 282 4.21
cust_report 12186490 2349 4.93

SPECjbb2005 Version: [SPECjbb2005 1.07, March 15, 2006]
Reporting page, Copyright © 2005 SPEC. All rights reserved