SPECjbb2005 bops = 1877284, SPECjbb2005 bops/JVM = 117330

IBM Corporation IBM Power 730 Express (4.2 GHz, 16 core, SLES)
IBM Corporation JRE 1.7.0 (32-bit) IBM J9 2.6 Linux (build pxp3270sr3-20121025_01(SR3))
SPEC license # 11,  Tested by: IBM Corporation,  Test date: Jan 28, 2013

              Multi JVM Mode

     JVM run                  JVM Scores
        1                        114233
        2                        121448
        3                        120976
        4                        121455
        5                        113634
        6                        114113
        7                        119910
        8                        120499
        9                        121142
        10                        113324
        11                        113329
        12                        113608
        13                        120914
        14                        112970
        15                        121995
        16                        113734
SPECjbb2005 bops=1877284, SPECjbb2005 bops/JVM=117330

HARDWARE                              | SOFTWARE                             
Vendor           IBM Corporation      | Vendor           IBM Corporation     
Vendor URL       http://www.ibm.com   | Vendor URL       http://www.ibm.com  
Model            IBM Power 730        | JVM Version      JRE 1.7.0 (32-bit)  
                 Express (4.2 GHz, 16 |                  IBM J9 2.6 Linux    
                 core, SLES)          |                  (build              
Processor        POWER7+ (Intelligent |                  pxp3270sr3-20121025_
                 Energy Optimization  |                  01(SR3))            
                 enabled, up to 4540  | Command Line     taskset -c          
                 MHz)                 |                  [0-3,4-7,...,60-63] 
MHz              4228                 |                  -- -Xlp -Xaggressive
# of Chips       2                    |                  -Xgcpolicy:gencon   
# of Cores       16                   |                  -Xgcthreads4        
# of Cores/Chip  8                    |                  -XlockReservation   
HW Threads      yes                  |                  -Xnoloa -Xms2560m   
Procs avail to   64                   |                  -Xmx2560m -Xmn2048m 
Java                              |                  -XtlhPrefetch       
Memory (MB)      131072               |                  spec.jbb.JBBmain    
Memory Details   16 x 8 GB DDR3 1066  |                  -propfile           
                 MHz                  |                  SPECjbb.props       
L1 Cache         32 KB I + 32 KB D on | Initial Heap Mem 2560                
                 chip per core        | (MB)                             
L2 Cache         256 KB I+D on chip   | Max Heap Mem     2560                
                 per core             | (MB)                             
Other Cache      10 MB I+D on chip    | JVM addressing   32                  
                 per core             | bits                             
Filesystem       ext3                 | JVM CLASSPATH    ./jbb.jar:./check.ja
Disks            1 x 146.8 GB SAS SFF |                  r:                  
                 15K RPM              | JVM              /autobench/sources/i
Other H/W                             | BOOTCLASSPATH    bm-java-ppc-70/jre/l
                                      |                  ib/ppc/default:/auto
                                      |                  bench/sources/ibm-ja
                                      |                  va-ppc-70/jre/lib/pp
                                      |                  c:/usr/lib64/mpi/gcc
                                      |                  /openmpi/lib64:/usr/
                                      |                  lib                 
                                      | OS Version       SUSE Linux          
                                      |                  Enterprise Server 11
                                      |                  SP2                 
                                      |                  (3.0.42-0.7-ppc64)  
                                      | Other S/W                            
                                      | AOT Compilation Details              
                                      | TUNING AND NOTES                     
                                      | Operating System tunings<ul><li>echo 
                                      | 3000 >                               
                                      | /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages</li><li>ech
                                      | o 50331648000 >                      
                                      | /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax</li><li>echo 
                                      | 768000 >                             
                                      | /proc/sys/kernel/shmall</li><li>ppc64
                                      | _cpu --dscr=1</li></ul>Platform      
                                      | tunings<ul><li>The "Dynamic Power    
                                      | Saver - Favor Performance" mode was  
                                      | enabled on "IBM Advanced System      
                                      | Management"</li></ul>                
                                      | <ul><li>16 JVMs were run in processor
                                      | sets each containing 1               
                                      | core.</li></ul>                      
TEST INFORMATION                     
Tested by          IBM Corporation   
SPEC License       11                
Test Location      Austin, TX        
Test Date          Jan 28, 2013      
JVM available      Nov-2012          
H/w available      Feb-2013          
OS available       Feb-2012          
Other s/w                            

                   JVM 1 Scores

No errors.  Valid run.

                   SPEC scores                                                                                        
     Warehouses               Thrput
              1                40415
              2                86453
              3               102435
            * 4               116417
            * 5               115305
            * 6               114231
            * 7               113240
            * 8               111968
Throughput      114233              

                   JVM 2 Scores

No errors.  Valid run.

                   SPEC scores                                                                                        
     Warehouses               Thrput
              1                38330
              2                96511
              3               108283
            * 4               125075
            * 5               123144
            * 6               121641
            * 7               119377
            * 8               118002
Throughput      121448              

                   JVM 3 Scores

No errors.  Valid run.

                   SPEC scores                                                                                        
     Warehouses               Thrput
              1                37212
              2                94819
              3               107856
            * 4               124014
            * 5               122652
            * 6               121018
            * 7               119364
            * 8               117830
Throughput      120976              

                   JVM 4 Scores

No errors.  Valid run.

                   SPEC scores                                                                                        
     Warehouses               Thrput
              1                37203
              2                94904
              3               108744
            * 4               124608
            * 5               123004
            * 6               121340
            * 7               119859
            * 8               118462
Throughput      121455              

                   JVM 5 Scores

No errors.  Valid run.

                   SPEC scores                                                                                        
     Warehouses               Thrput
              1                35042
              2                85733
              3               102767
            * 4               115980
            * 5               114662
            * 6               113500
            * 7               112552
            * 8               111475
Throughput      113634              

                   JVM 6 Scores

No errors.  Valid run.

                   SPEC scores                                                                                        
     Warehouses               Thrput
              1                39690
              2                89731
              3               100884
            * 4               116107
            * 5               115197
            * 6               114206
            * 7               113266
            * 8               111788
Throughput      114113              

                   JVM 7 Scores

No errors.  Valid run.

                   SPEC scores                                                                                        
     Warehouses               Thrput
              1                40723
              2                94213
              3               105464
            * 4               122892
            * 5               121385
            * 6               119796
            * 7               118409
            * 8               117067
Throughput      119910              

                   JVM 8 Scores

No errors.  Valid run.

                   SPEC scores                                                                                        
     Warehouses               Thrput
              1                33250
              2                97917
              3               106673
            * 4               124050
            * 5               122283
            * 6               120081
            * 7               118595
            * 8               117488
Throughput      120499              

                   JVM 9 Scores

No errors.  Valid run.

                   SPEC scores                                                                                        
     Warehouses               Thrput
              1                34865
              2                94530
              3               109813
            * 4               124694
            * 5               122462
            * 6               121075
            * 7               119460
            * 8               118016
Throughput      121142              

                   JVM 10 Scores

No errors.  Valid run.

                   SPEC scores                                                                                        
     Warehouses               Thrput
              1                39288
              2                87456
              3                99532
            * 4               115643
            * 5               114201
            * 6               113222
            * 7               112446
            * 8               111106
Throughput      113324              

                   JVM 11 Scores

No errors.  Valid run.

                   SPEC scores                                                                                        
     Warehouses               Thrput
              1                33132
              2                89749
              3               100355
            * 4               115837
            * 5               114403
            * 6               113330
            * 7               112100
            * 8               110973
Throughput      113329              

                   JVM 12 Scores

No errors.  Valid run.

                   SPEC scores                                                                                        
     Warehouses               Thrput
              1                32154
              2                84356
              3               103195
            * 4               116143
            * 5               114838
            * 6               113529
            * 7               112460
            * 8               111067
Throughput      113608              

                   JVM 13 Scores

No errors.  Valid run.

                   SPEC scores                                                                                        
     Warehouses               Thrput
              1                33664
              2                92642
              3               107866
            * 4               124065
            * 5               122541
            * 6               120726
            * 7               119142
            * 8               118095
Throughput      120914              

                   JVM 14 Scores

No errors.  Valid run.

                   SPEC scores                                                                                        
     Warehouses               Thrput
              1                33499
              2                86422
              3               102609
            * 4               115289
            * 5               114480
            * 6               112667
            * 7               111699
            * 8               110716
Throughput      112970              

                   JVM 15 Scores

No errors.  Valid run.

                   SPEC scores                                                                                        
     Warehouses               Thrput
              1                33094
              2                88605
              3               109471
            * 4               124866
            * 5               123522
            * 6               122158
            * 7               120641
            * 8               118790
Throughput      121995              

                   JVM 16 Scores

No errors.  Valid run.

                   SPEC scores                                                                                        
     Warehouses               Thrput
              1                34290
              2                80509
              3               101769
            * 4               116225
            * 5               115183
            * 6               113692
            * 7               112443
            * 8               111130
Throughput      113734              

SPECjbb2005 Version: [SPECjbb2005 1.07, March 15, 2006]
Reporting page (C) Copyright SPEC, 2005-2007. All rights reserved