SPECjbb2013 - Known Issues (April 16, 2014)

This is a place where SPEC has collected descriptions (and solutions) to installation, build, and runtime problems encountered by people using the SPECjbb20013 benchmark. If your issue is not amongst the known issues, please bring it to the attention of SPECjbb2013 Support via e-mail to: support@spec.org with "SPECjbb" in the subject line.

Response time spikes in Response-Throughput (RT) graph in the HTML report

In some cases, benchmark metric “max-jOPS” run-to-run variability could be high

Benchmark metric “critical-jOPS” run-to-run variability could be high

  • Metric “critical-jOPS” is calculated based on 99th percentile of response time from all RT step level till full system capacity “max-jOPS” is reached. Criterion for critical-jOPS is 99th percentile of response time which is very sensitive to GC pauses. On most system tested with optimized configuration, critical-jOPS has very small run-to-run variability. Any configuration where long GC pause durations and temporal locations are random, critical-jOPS may show more run-to-run variability. In particular, systems running Suse Linux OS exhibited very high run-to-run variability.

In rare cases, benchmark metric max-jOPS > 100% HBIR

  • Initial phase of the benchmark determines a rough approximation of full system capacity called HBIR (High Bound Injection Rate). On most systems tested, max-jOPS occurs around 80-90% of HBIR. In some rare cases, it is possible that max-jOPS > 100% HBIR.

Scaling of >16 groups inside a single OS image

  • In testing, benchmark scales very well when running large number of groups across multiple OS images. When testing inside a single OS image, scaling is reasonable up to 16 groups. When running >16 groups, scaling of max-jOPS and critical-jOPS is poor due to some network resource related bottleneck inside a single OS image. Once more accurate reason is identified; this document will be accordingly updated.

No connections among SPECjbb2013-Distributed instances running across OS images when firewall enabled

  • SPECjbb2013-Distributed instances running across OS images may not be able to connect if firewall is enabled. Firewall blocks the TCP-IP communication among Java instances running across OS images and as a result different Java instances are not able to communicate with each other. Disabling the firewall should resolve this issue.

CPU utilization of less than 90%

  • With good optimizations and tuning a user should be able to achieve ~90% of CPU utilization. It is suggested that if CPU utilization is <90%, - Dspecjbb.forkjoin.workers= could be set 2 x that of available processor threads for each backend for better performance. Benchmark by default tries to set this property to available processor threads but affinity and/or running multiple groups configuration makes it complex for the benchmark to determine the optimal value for this setting.

Exception at the beginning of the run

  • When multiple instances take longer time for the handshake with the controller, it results in exceptions being thrown. These are harmless exceptions and can be ignored.

Submit errors during the run

  • During the benchmark run, “submit error” message is reported for several cases. Some of these exceptions are fatal while others are harmless. Please refer to controller log for more detailed information about these error messages.


For latest update to this document, please check here: http://www.spec.org/jbb2013/docs/knownissues.html.
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