Hostname: mperf1 (primary), mperf10 (replica)
Licenses: User-limit 20, SSH Licensed, Directory Server Access
LDAP Server configuration:
Truncated LDIF contents (1M.ldif) used to populate the ldap database:
dn: c=us
objectclass: top
objectclass: country
c: us
dn: o=spec1M,c=us
objectclass: organization
o: spec1M
dn: miLoginid=u1,o=spec1M,c=us
objectclass: top
objectclass: mirapointUser
objectclass: mirapointMailUser
miLoginid: u1
sn: u1
cn: u1
maillocaladdress: u1
userPassword: u1
CLI configuration commands:
# Don't send system alerts, etc. to
conf disable customercare
# Create index for the miLoginid attribute
dir addindex "" miLoginid eq,pres
# Populate the LDAP database
dir importldif ""
# Setup primary LDAP server
dir addreplica spec mirapoint c=us c=us
dir setrepoption spec binddn cn=administrator
dir setrepoption spec bindpw admin
dir setrepoption spec master ldap://
dir addrephost spec ldap://
dir exportconfig
# (Save the exported config to a file)
# Setup replica LDAP server
dir importconfig
# (Paste in the config from exported file obtained on the primary)
MSL is 30 seconds (not configurable)
TIME_WAIT is 60 seconds (not configurable)
MSS is 1460 bytes (not configurable)