SPEC Seal of Reviewal SPECmail2001 Result
Copyright © 1999-2001 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation
Intrastore 2001 - Redhat Linux 7.2 SPECmail2001 msgs/min = 2,500
SPEC license # 2018 Tested by:
Test date:
Hardware Avail:
Software Avail:

2,500 SPECmail2001 messages per minute is equivalent to 500,000 SPECmail2001_users.

Detail Summary | General Notes
System configurations: SMTP Server + POP Server | Load Generator | Load Balancer + LDAP Server | Mail Sink + Benchmark Manager + Load Generator | Configuration diagram
Detailed results: Detailed Results 80% load | Detailed Results 100% load | Detailed Results 120% load

Summary Results
Function Response
time limit
Percentage Compliant
80% 100% 120%
SMTP Connect 5 >95% 99.98% 99.97% 99.96%
SMTP Data 5 >95% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
POP Connect 5 >95% 99.98% 99.98% 99.96%
POP Status 5 >95% 100.00% 100.00% 21.86%
POP Retrieve 5 >95% 100.00% 100.00% 19.91%
POP Delete 5 >95% 100.00% 100.00% 22.46%
Delivery Time 60 >95% 99.06% 99.15% 97.22%
Error Rate NA <1% 0.00% 0.00% 0.56%

SMTP Server + POP Server (3 systems)
Software: Intrastore 2001 Operating System: Redhat Linux 7.2 (kernel 2.4.18)
Availability: Mar-2001 File System: EXT3
Vendor: Compaq CPU: Pentium III
Model Name: DL380 CPU MHz: 1000
Availability: Jun-2001 CPUs Enabled: 1 core, 1 chip, 1 core/chip
Disk Subsystem: 2 x 18GB SCSI Primary Cache: 16KBI + 16KBD on chip
Memory (MB): 1024 Secondary Cache: 256KB
Network: Compaq NC3163 10/100 (2) Other Cache: N/A
# of Systems: 3 Other: Disks in RAID 1 config
Notes / Tuning Information
Second network card has dedicated route to NetApp

RAID-1 provided by integrated Compaq SmartArray controller

MSL is 30 seconds
TIMEWAIT is 60 seconds

SMTPserver options: -Ca -rt 900 -Cr 200 -CD -na -I SMTP-out -D syntegra.com -Sc 1000 -S
imsd options: -Vd -L /var/adm/imsd.log -tpool 50 -tmax 125

Load Generator (3 systems)
JVM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.0-b92, mixed mode) (no JIT) Operating System: Redhat Linux 7.2 (kernel 2.4.18)
Availability: Feb-2002 File System: EXT3
Vendor: Compaq CPU: Pentium III
Model Name: DL380 CPU MHz: 1000
Availability: Jul-2001 CPUs Enabled: 1 core, 1 chip, 1 core/chip
Disk Subsystem: 2 x 18GB SCSI Primary Cache: 16KBI + 16KBD on chip
Memory (MB): 1024 Secondary Cache: 256KB
Network: Compaq NC3163 10/100 (2) Other Cache: N/A
# of Systems: 3 Other: Disks in RAID 1 config
Notes / Tuning Information


Load Balancer + LDAP Server (1 system)
Software: Aphelion 2001 Operating System: Redhat Linux 7.2 (kernel 2.4.18)
Availability: Mar-2001 File System: EXT3
Vendor: Gateway CPU: Pentium III
Model Name: 6400 CPU MHz: 933
Availability: Aug-2001 CPUs Enabled: 1 core, 1 chip, 1 core/chip
Disk Subsystem: 1 x 9GB SCSI Primary Cache: 16KBI + 16KBD on chip
Memory (MB): 640 Secondary Cache: 256KB
Network: Intel 10/100 Other Cache: N/A
# of Systems: 1 Other: N/A
Notes / Tuning Information
Load balancing was provided by the Linux Virtual Server Project found at www.linuxvirtualserver.org
SMTP and POP connections were load-balanced using a least-connection scheduling algorithm
Direct routing was used to route the load balanced connections between servers
The kernel was patched with ipvs-1.0.1 patch

Mail Sink + Benchmark Manager + Load Generator (2 systems)
JVM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.0-b92, mixed mode) (no JIT) Operating System: Redhat Linux 7.2 (kernel 2.4.18)
Availability: Feb-2002 File System: EXT3
Vendor: Dell CPU: Pentium III
Model Name: Poweredge 6300 CPU MHz: 500
Availability: Aug-1999 CPUs Enabled: 4 cores, 4 chips, 1 core/chip
Disk Subsystem: 1 x 9GB SCSI Primary Cache: 16KBI + 16KBD on chip
Memory (MB): 1024 Secondary Cache: 512Kb
Network: 3Com 905c 100Mb Other Cache: N/A
# of Systems: 2 Other: N/A
Notes / Tuning Information


Detailed Results -- 80% Load
Load User Count Message Rate
Attempted 400,000 2,000
Actual 400,600 2,003
Function Attempts # Pass
% Pass
SMTP Connect 228,079 228,040 99.98%
SMTP Hello 228,075 228,049 99.99%
SMTP Mail From 228,073 228,073 100.00%
SMTP Rcpt To 454,742 454,742 100.00%
SMTP Data 228,081 228,078 100.00%
SMTP Quit 225,790 225,790 100.00%
POP Connect 240,559 240,510 99.98%
POP User ID 240,562 240,524 99.98%
POP Password 240,562 240,562 100.00%
POP Status 240,562 240,562 100.00%
POP Retrieve 240,053 240,052 100.00%
POP Delete 239,369 239,369 100.00%
POP Quit 239,844 239,844 100.00%
Delivery Time 2,237 2,216 99.06%
SMTP Data Response Time 228,081 225,785 98.99%
POP Retrieve Response Time 240,053 239,724 99.86%
Remote Message Delivery 215,930 213,754 98.99%


SMTP Connect Error 0
SMTP Protocol Error 0
SMTP Disconnect 2,293
SMTP Session 225,790
SMTP To Local 238,811
SMTP To Remote 215,930
SINK Connect Error 0
POP Connect Error 0
POP Protocol Error 0
POP Disconnect 687
POP Session 239,844
Delivery Time Connect Error 0
Function Minimum Time
Maximum Time
Average Time
SMTP Connect 0 20,997 40.16
SMTP Hello 0 20,996 52.41
SMTP Mail From 0 1,463 26.76
SMTP Rcpt To 0 3,213 26.95
SMTP Data 0 30,160 162.00
SMTP Quit 0 1,530 27.16
POP Connect 0 12,018 51.89
POP User ID 0 21,093 83.13
POP Password 2 1,621 125.62
POP Status 0 3,211 50.47
POP Retrieve 4 30,171 120.12
POP Delete 0 3,146 51.01
POP Quit 0 3,414 50.25
Function Minimum Size
Maximum Size
Average Size
SMTP Data (KB up) 1 2,674 24.70
POP Retrieve (KB down) 1 2,675 24.53

Detailed Results -- 100% Load
Load User Count Message Rate
Attempted 500,000 2,500
Actual 501,200 2,506
Function Attempts # Pass
% Pass
SMTP Connect 285,369 285,293 99.97%
SMTP Hello 285,364 285,299 99.98%
SMTP Mail From 285,365 285,363 100.00%
SMTP Rcpt To 570,840 570,840 100.00%
SMTP Data 285,347 285,346 100.00%
SMTP Quit 282,457 282,457 100.00%
POP Connect 301,078 301,006 99.98%
POP User ID 301,078 301,011 99.98%
POP Password 301,087 301,087 100.00%
POP Status 301,087 301,087 100.00%
POP Retrieve 301,723 301,721 100.00%
POP Delete 300,863 300,863 100.00%
POP Quit 300,171 300,171 100.00%
Delivery Time 2,930 2,905 99.15%
SMTP Data Response Time 285,347 282,457 98.99%
POP Retrieve Response Time 301,723 301,299 99.86%
Remote Message Delivery 268,418 265,694 98.99%


SMTP Connect Error 0
SMTP Protocol Error 0
SMTP Disconnect 2,888
SMTP Session 282,457
SMTP To Local 302,419
SMTP To Remote 268,418
SINK Connect Error 0
POP Connect Error 0
POP Protocol Error 0
POP Disconnect 858
POP Session 300,171
Delivery Time Connect Error 0
Function Minimum Time
Maximum Time
Average Time
SMTP Connect 0 20,999 47.54
SMTP Hello 0 20,998 56.79
SMTP Mail From 0 12,061 27.19
SMTP Rcpt To 0 1,538 26.86
SMTP Data 0 30,937 183.05
SMTP Quit 0 1,471 27.57
POP Connect 0 21,031 59.19
POP User ID 0 21,101 87.16
POP Password 3 2,620 156.63
POP Status 0 2,990 51.17
POP Retrieve 5 30,185 168.69
POP Delete 0 3,214 52.93
POP Quit 0 1,680 50.99
Function Minimum Size
Maximum Size
Average Size
SMTP Data (KB up) 1 2,674 24.63
POP Retrieve (KB down) 1 2,675 24.72

Detailed Results -- 120% Load
Load User Count Message Rate
Attempted 600,000 3,000
Actual 590,600 2,953
Function Attempts # Pass
% Pass
SMTP Connect 342,894 342,744 99.96%
SMTP Hello 342,897 342,775 99.96%
SMTP Mail From 342,898 342,897 100.00%
SMTP Rcpt To 684,811 684,811 100.00%
SMTP Data 342,910 342,904 100.00%
SMTP Quit 339,524 339,524 100.00%
POP Connect 359,806 359,648 99.96%
POP User ID 351,932 59,258 16.84%
POP Password 349,616 61,896 17.70%
POP Status 347,813 76,036 21.86%
POP Retrieve 334,193 66,522 19.91%
POP Delete 330,742 74,293 22.46%
POP Quit 338,734 70,989 20.96%
Delivery Time 3,207 3,118 97.22%
SMTP Data Response Time 342,910 339,521 99.01%
POP Retrieve Response Time 334,193 74,081 22.17%
Remote Message Delivery 322,427 319,540 99.10%


SMTP Connect Error 0
SMTP Protocol Error 0
SMTP Disconnect 3,385
SMTP Session 339,524
SMTP To Local 362,384
SMTP To Remote 322,427
SINK Connect Error 0
POP Connect Error 3,831
POP Protocol Error 0
POP Disconnect 883
POP Session 342,626
Delivery Time Connect Error 43
Function Minimum Time
Maximum Time
Average Time
SMTP Connect 0 21,037 55.82
SMTP Hello 0 21,389 62.25
SMTP Mail From 0 12,000 27.99
SMTP Rcpt To 0 3,359 27.88
SMTP Data 0 30,195 211.82
SMTP Quit 0 1,799 28.65
POP Connect 0 20,997 71.66
POP User ID 0 63,596 26,032.69
POP Password 50 61,031 15,948.48
POP Status 0 38,082 14,316.53
POP Retrieve 33 42,025 17,213.04
POP Delete 0 47,008 15,788.81
POP Quit 0 41,761 15,820.35
Function Minimum Size
Maximum Size
Average Size
SMTP Data (KB up) 1 2,674 24.34
POP Retrieve (KB down) 1 2,675 24.58

General Notes / Tuning Information
A Network Appliance F820 with 9 36GB drives in a single raid group
was used to store the mailboxes via NFS.
It was mounted with the NFS options: vers=3,tcp,noatime,wsize=32768,rsize=32768

Aphelion 2001 was used for the LDAP server.

Linux tuning paremeters:
echo 4096 >> /proc/sys/net/core/netdev_max_backlog
echo 2000000 >> /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_max_tw_buckets
echo 0 >> /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_window_scaling
echo 0 >> /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_timestamps
echo 0 >> /proc/sys/net/ipv4/tcp_sack
echo 0 >> /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

echo 1048576 >> /proc/sys/net/core/wmem_default
echo 1048576 >> /proc/sys/net/core/wmem_max
echo 1048576 >> /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_default
echo 1048576 >> /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max

A 3Com 3300 switch (24 port 10/100Mb) was used for LAN connectivity.

Description of imsd options used:
-Vd  disable DNS lookup for clients
-L   name of an alternate debug log
-tpool minimum number of available processing threads (default = 16)
-tmax  maximum number of processing threads allowed (default = 16384)

Description of SMTPserver options used:
-Ca  host:service name of imsd administrative service
-rt  read timeout in seconds
-Cr  recipient number threshold causing queueing at low priority
-CD  enable automatic creation of mailbox directories
-na  Do not send AUTH
-I   name of the SMTP input queue (default is SMTP-in)
-D   limit delivery/relaying to allowed deliver/relay domains
-Sc  per client session threshold
-S   total session threshold
-ar  avoid reverse host address lookup

For questions about this result, please contact the tester.
For other inquiries, please contact webmaster@spec.org
Copyright © 1999-2001 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation
Benchmark run on Wed Apr 17 18:12:47 CDT 2002 by SPECmail2001 v1.01
Report generated on Mon Apr 25 17:25:12 EDT 2005 by SPECmail2001 v1.05 HTML Formatter