SPEC Seal of Reviewal OMPL2001 Result
Copyright © 1999-2008 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation
SGI Altix ICE 8200EX (Intel Xeon X5570, 2.93 GHz, DDR3-1066)
SPECompLpeak2001 = -- 
SPECompLbase2001 = 218255       
SPEC license # HPG0014 Tested by: SGI Test site: SGI Test date: Feb-2009 Hardware Avail: Mar-2009 Software Avail: Jan-2009
Benchmark Reference
Graph Scale
311.wupwise_l 9200 478    307709             311.wupwise_l base result bar (307709)
313.swim_l 12500 1496     133649             313.swim_l base result bar (133649)
315.mgrid_l 13500 1242     173872             315.mgrid_l base result bar (173872)
317.applu_l 13500 2212     97639            317.applu_l base result bar (97639)
321.equake_l 13000 959    216857             321.equake_l base result bar (216857)
325.apsi_l 10500 767    218931             325.apsi_l base result bar (218931)
327.gafort_l 11000 695    253136             327.gafort_l base result bar (253136)
329.fma3d_l 23500 2021     186022             329.fma3d_l base result bar (186022)
331.art_l 25000 556    719972             331.art_l base result bar (719972)
SPECompLbase2001 218255         
  SPECompLpeak2001 --   

Hardware Vendor: SGI
Model Name: SGI Altix ICE 8200EX (Intel Xeon X5570, 2.93 GHz, DDR3-1066)
CPU: Intel Xeon X5570
CPU MHz: 2934
FPU: Integrated
CPU(s) enabled: 8 cores, 2 chips, 4 cores/chip (HT on)
CPU(s) orderable: 1-2 chips
Primary Cache: 32 KB I + 32 KB D on chip per core
Secondary Cache: 256 KB I+D on chip per core
L3 Cache: 8 MB I+D on chip per chip
Other Cache: None
Memory: 48 GB (12*4GB DDR3-1066 CL7 RDIMMs)
Disk Subsystem: 7 TB RAID 5
48 x 147 GB SAS (Seagate Cheetah 15000 rpm)
Other Hardware: None
OpenMP Threads: 16
Parallel: OpenMP
Operating System: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (x86_64) SP2
Compiler: Intel C/C++ Compiler 11.0.074
Intel Fortran Compiler 11.0.074
File System: NFSv3 IPoIB
System State: Multi-user, run level 3
Notes / Tuning Information
    Extra Flags:

    Baseline optimization flags:
        COPTIMIZE = -O3 -xSSE4.2 -ipo -openmp -ansi_alias 
                    -mcmodel=medium -i-dynamic (ONESTEP)
        FOPTIMIZE = -O3 -xSSE4.2 -ipo -openmp
                    -mcmodel=medium -i-dynamic (ONESTEP)
    Software Environment:
        setenv KMP_AFFINITY disabled
        setenv KMP_STACKSIZE 31M
        setenv KMP_SCHEDULE static,balanced
        setenv KMP_LIBRARY throughput
        setenv KMP_BLOCKTIME infinite
        setenv OMP_DYNAMIC FALSE
        setenv OMP_NUM_THREADS 16
        limit stacksize unlimited

    BIOS settings:
      AMI BIOS version 8.15
      Hyper-Threading Technology enabled (default)
      Intel Turbo Boost Technology enabled (default)
      Intel Turbo Boost Technology activated in the OS via
        /etc/init.d/acpid start
        /etc/init.d/powersaved start
        powersave -f
    For a description of SGI's compiler flags, portability flags,
    and system parameters used to generate this result, please
    refer to the SGI-20090327-Linux-Intel11.0-intel64.html file in the
    flags directory.

For questions about this result, please contact the tester.
For other inquiries, please contact webmaster@spec.org
Copyright © 1999-2008 Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation
Generated on Mon Mar 30 17:31:07 2009 by SPEC OMP2001 HTML formatter v1.01