SPEC Benchmark CINT95rate Summary

                     Base      Base      Base      Peak      Peak      Peak
   Benchmarks    # Copies  Run Time      Rate  # Copies  Run Time      Rate
   ------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
   099.go               1       388     107           1       381     109   
   124.m88ksim          1       162     106           1       147     116   
   126.gcc              1       181      84.3         1       168      90.8 
   129.compress         1       166      97.8         1       137     118   
   130.li               1       168     102           1       155     110   
   132.ijpeg            1       240      90.1         1       218      99.1 
   134.perl             1       183      93.5         1       174      98.5 
   147.vortex           1       248      98.1         1       215     113   
   SPECint_rate_base95 (G. M.)           97.0                              
   SPECint_rate95 (Geom. Mean)                                        107  

                              TESTER INFORMATION
     SPEC License #: 3
          Tested By: HP Cupertino, CA
          Test Date: Apr-96
     Hardware Avail: Jun-96
     Software Avail: Sep-96

         Model Name: HP 9000 Model C180-XP
                CPU: 180 MHz PA-RISC 8000
                FPU: Integrated
   Number of CPU(s): 1
      Primary Cache: 1MBI+1MBD off-chip
    Secondary Cache: None
        Other Cache: None
             Memory: 128MB
     Disk Subsystem: 1 Fast/Wide SCSI-2 2.0 GB
     Other Hardware: Ethernet

   Operating System: HP-UX B.10.20 IC10
           Compiler: HP C HP92453-01 D.10.01B5
        File System: HP-UX
       System State: Multi-user

Portability Flags (base & peak) all benchmarks: -Ae
Library Flags (base & peak) all benchmarks: -Wl, -aarchive

Base: /opt/langtools/lib/fastmem.o +Oall +I/+P

Peak Flags:
all: +ESfic +ESlit +O4 +I/+P
099: +Oentrysched +Olibcalls +nofastaccess +Onolimit +Onoloop_unroll +Optrs_strongly_typed +Ostaticprediction
124: +Oaggressive +Onoparmsoverlap +Optrs_strongly_typed +Ostaticprediction
126: -DSPEC +Olibcalls +Onolimit +Ostaticprediction
129: +Odataprefetch +Olibcalls +Onofltacc +Onolimit +Optrs_strongly_typed +Owhole_program_mode
130: -lm +ESsfc +Oentrysched +Olibcalls +Onolimit +Onoloop_unroll +Onoptrs_to_globals +Owhole_program_mode
132: +ESsfc +Odataprefetch +Olibcalls +Onolimit +Optrs_strongly_typed +Owhole_program_mode
134: /opt/langtools/lib/fastmem.o -lm +Olibcalls +Onolimit +Owhole_program_mode
147: /opt/langtools/lib/fastmem.o -lm +Oentrysched +Olibcalls +Onolimit +Onoloop_unroll +Optrs_strongly_typed +Ostaticprediction

Note: The +I/+P indicates the use of profile based optimization.