
Digital Equipment Corp.

AlphaStation 255/233

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SPECint95 4.27
SPECint_base95 3.48

Benchmark # and Name Reference Time Base Run Time Base SPEC Ratio Peak Run Time Peak SPEC Ratio
099.go 46009524.839065.07
124.m88ksim 19004694.053435.54
126.gcc 17005393.154453.82
129.compress 18005253.434653.87
130.li 19006582.894773.98
132.ijpeg 24006323.806283.82
134.perl 19005503.454354.37
147.vortex 270010102.676764.00
SPECint_base95 3.48
SPECint95 4.27

Tester Information:
SPEC License #: 2
Tested By: Digital NH
Test Date: Jul-96
Hardware Avail: Mar-96
Software Avail: Aug-96

Hardware Information:
Model Name: AlphaStation 255/233
CPU: 233 MHz 21064A
FPU: Integrated
Number of CPU(s): 1
Primary Cache: 16KB(I)+16KB(D) on chip
Secondary Cache: 1MB
Other Cache: none
Memory: 128MB
Disk Subsystem: 1 x 2GB
Other Hardware: Ethernet

Software Information:
Operating System: Digital UNIX V4.0A
Compiler: DEC C X5.3-148-334R
File System: UFS
System State: Multi User


Compiler invokation: cc.alt -migrate -std1     Base optimizations: -O4 -ifo -non_shared -om
Portability flags: m88ksim: -DLEHOST; perl: -DI_TIME; vortex: -D__RISC_64__

Peak: all use -ifo -non_shared.  Additional flags:    go: -O4 -non_shared -om    m88ksim: -O4
-inline speed with feedback    gcc: -O4 -inline speed -xtaso_short -taso with feedback    compress: -O4 -tune
ev4 -32data -inline speed -assume whole_program -om -lsys5    li: -O4 -inline speed -xtaso_short
-speculate all -lsys5 -taso with feedback    ijpeg: -O5 -fast -unsigned -inline speed -speculate all -lsys5
with feedback    perl: -O5 -inline speed -lsys5 with feedback pass 2 only    vortex: -inline speed
-speculate all with feedback

Feedback: PASS1=-gen_feedback -g1
fdo_pre1=mv %binary% %exename%.orig;pixie -pids %exename%.orig -o %exename%
fdo_post1=prof -pixie -feedback ../../src/%exename%.fb %exename%.orig %exename%.orig.Addrs %exename%.orig.Counts.*
PASS2=-feedback $(EXENAME).fb -r 
fdo_pre2=mv %exename% %exename%.rr;ld -o %exename%fb %exename%.rr -lexc;pixie -pids %exename%fb -o %exename%
fdo_post2=ld -om %exename%.rr -o %exename%.rrom -lexc;prof -pixie -merge %exename%fb.Counts %exename%fb 
%exename%fb.Addrs %exename%fb.Counts.*;/usr/lib/cmplrs/cc/om -om_ireorg_feedback %exename%fb -o %binary% %exename%.rrom
For gcc and li, -taso is added to feedback ld and om commands.

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Wed Jul 24 22:53:58 PDT 1996

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