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SPECint95 | 8.39 |
SPECint_base95 | 7.70 |
Benchmark # and Name | Reference Time | Base Run Time | Base SPEC Ratio | Peak Run Time | Peak SPEC Ratio |
099.go | 4600 | 498 | 9.23 | 455 | 10.1 |
124.m88ksim | 1900 | 322 | 5.91 | 226 | 8.41 |
126.gcc | 1700 | 189 | 9.01 | 185 | 9.18 |
129.compress | 1800 | 327 | 5.50 | 329 | 5.47 | | 1900 | 272 | 6.98 | 260 | 7.30 |
132.ijpeg | 2400 | 276 | 8.70 | 271 | 8.86 |
134.perl | 1900 | 225 | 8.45 | 202 | 9.41 |
147.vortex | 2700 | 301 | 8.96 | 286 | 9.44 |
SPECint_base95 | 7.70 | ||||
SPECint95 | 8.39 |
Tester Information:
SPEC License #: | 27 |
Tested By: | HAL Computer Systems |
Test Date: | Sep-96 |
Hardware Avail: | Nov-96 |
Software Avail: | Nov-96 |
Hardware Information:
Model Name: | 385 |
CPU: | 161 MHz SPARC64 |
FPU: | Integrated |
Number of CPU(s): | 1 |
Primary Cache: | 128KBI,128KBD on chip |
Secondary Cache: | None |
Other Cache: | None |
Memory: | 128MB |
Disk Subsystem: | 1 x 2GB |
1 x 2GB | |
Other Hardware: | Ethernet |
Software Information:
Operating System: | SPARC64/OS 2.4 |
Compiler: | Fujitsu C V3.0 |
Fujitsu Fortran90 V3.0 | |
File System: | UFS |
System State: | Multiple User |
Kernel Extensions: | none |
Baseline flags were: -Kfast,GREG,V8PLUS -x- Nonbaseline flags were: ALL -dn -Kfast,GREG,V8PLUS 099: -Kpopt 124: -Kpopt -O4 -x10 126: -Kpopt,sp=0 -O4 -x15 129: -Kpopt -x100 130: -Kpopt,sp=0 -O4 -x150 132: -O4 -x- 134: -Kpopt,sp=0 -O4 -x70 147: -Kpopt -O4 -x20 Portability: 124, 132: -DSYSV Portability: 126: -Dalloca=__builtin_alloca
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