SPEC Benchmark CINT95rate Summary

                     Base      Base      Base      Peak      Peak      Peak
   Benchmarks    # Copies  Run Time      Rate  # Copies  Run Time      Rate
   ------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
   099.go               2       318       261         2       309       268 
   124.m88ksim          2       160       214         2       131       261 
   126.gcc              2       182       168         2       137       223 
   129.compress         2       179       181         2       142       228 
   130.li               2       189       181         2       148       232 
   132.ijpeg            2       166       260         2       171       253 
   134.perl             2       149       229         2       121       282 
   147.vortex           2       232       209         2       184       264 
   SPECint_rate_base95 (G. M.)            210                              
   SPECint_rate95 (Geom. Mean)                                          250

                              TESTER INFORMATION
     SPEC License #: 2
          Tested By: Digital NH
          Test Date: Feb-97
     Hardware Avail: Feb-97
     Software Avail: Dec-96

         Model Name: AlphaServer 4000 5/466
                CPU: 466 MHz 21164
                FPU: Integrated
   Number of CPU(s): 2
      Primary Cache: 8KB(I)+8KB(D) on chip
    Secondary Cache: 96KB 
        Other Cache: 4MB
             Memory: 256MB
     Disk Subsystem: 1 x 2GB
     Other Hardware: Ethernet

   Operating System: Digital UNIX V4.0B
           Compiler: DEC C V5.4-045
        File System: UFS
       System State: Multi User

Compiler: cc.alt -std1    Base optimizations: -O4 -arch ev56 -non_shared -om
Portability flags: m88ksim: -DLEHOST   perl: -DI_TIME   vortex: -D__RISC_64__

Peak flags: all use -ifo -non_shared.  Other flags are: 
go: -g3 -O3 -inline speed EXTRA_LDFLAGS -om    m88ksim: -g3 -O4 -speculate all -inline speed with feedback
gcc: -g1 -O4 -inline speed -arch ev56 -xtaso_short -taso with feedback    compress: -g3 -O4 -tune ev5 -32data 
-inline speed -arch ev56 -assume whole_program -om -lsys5    li: -g1 -O4 -inline speed -xtaso_short -speculate 
all -lsys5 -taso with feedback    ijpeg: -g3 -O4 -fast -unsigned -inline speed -arch ev56 -speculate all -lsys5 
with feedback    perl: -g3 -O4 -inline speed -arch ev56 -lsys5 with feedback pass 2 only    vortex: -g3 -O4 
-fast -inline speed -speculate all with feedback

feedback: PASS1=-gen_feedback 
fdo_pre1=mv %binary% %exename%.orig; pixie -pids %exename%.orig -o %exename%
fdo_post1=prof -pixie -feedback ../../src/%exename%.fb %exename%.orig %exename%.orig.Addrs %exename%.orig.Counts.*
PASS2=-feedback $(EXENAME).fb -r 
fdo_pre2=mv %exename% %exename%.rr; ld -o %exename%fb %exename%.rr -lexc; pixie -pids %exename%fb -o %exename%
fdo_post2=ld -om %exename%.rr -o %exename%.rrom -lexc; prof -pixie -merge %exename%fb.Counts %exename%fb %exename%fb.Addrs 
%exename%fb.Counts.*; /usr/lib/cmplrs/cc.alt/om -om_ireorg_feedback %exename%fb -o %binary% %exename%.rrom
gcc and li add -taso to feedback commands om and ld