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SPECfp95 | 13.7 |
SPECfp_base95 | 12.6 |
Benchmark # and Name | Reference Time | Base Run Time | Base SPEC Ratio | Peak Run Time | Peak SPEC Ratio |
101.tomcatv | 3700 | 143 | 25.8 | 139 | 26.6 |
102.swim | 8600 | 213 | 40.3 | 187 | 46.0 |
103.su2cor | 1400 | 208 | 6.72 | 200 | 6.99 |
104.hydro2d | 2400 | 251 | 9.56 | 244 | 9.82 |
107.mgrid | 2500 | 295 | 8.46 | 264 | 9.47 |
110.applu | 2200 | 234 | 9.39 | 230 | 9.56 |
125.turb3d | 4100 | 468 | 8.76 | 371 | 11.1 |
141.apsi | 2100 | 286 | 7.35 | 261 | 8.05 |
145.fpppp | 9600 | 532 | 18.0 | 527 | 18.2 |
146.wave5 | 3000 | 179 | 16.8 | 160 | 18.7 |
SPECfp_base95 | 12.6 | ||||
SPECfp95 | 13.7 |
Tester Information:
SPEC License #: | 27 |
Tested By: | HAL Computer Systems |
Test Date: | Apr-97 |
Hardware Avail: | Nov-96 |
Software Avail: | Oct-97 |
Hardware Information:
Model Name: | 375 |
CPU: | 141 MHz SPARC64 |
FPU: | Integrated |
Number of CPU(s): | 1 |
Primary Cache: | 128KBI,128KBD on chip |
Secondary Cache: | None |
Other Cache: | None |
Memory: | 128MB |
Disk Subsystem: | 1 x 2GB |
1 x 2GB | |
Other Hardware: | Ethernet |
Software Information:
Operating System: | SPARC64/OS 2.4 |
Compiler: | Fujitsu Fortran90 V3.01 |
File System: | UFS |
System State: | Multiple User |
Kernel Extensions: | none |
Baseline flags were: -Kfast -KV8PLUS -Kgs -Kprefetch Nonbaseline flags were: ALL -dn -Kfast,GREG,eval,V8PLUS 101: -Kgs -Kprefetch -Kunroll=5 102: -Kgs -Kprefetch -Kpreex -Kunroll=5 -Koffset=144 103: -Kprefetch -Kpreex -Kunroll=6 -Klibmil -x- 104: -Kgs -Kprefetch -x- 107: -Kgs -Kprefetch -Kpreex -Knosp 110: -Kgs -Kprefetch -Knosp 125: -Kgs -Kpreex -x- 141: -Kgs -Kprefetch -Knofuse -Kauto -Klibmil 145: -Kgs -Kprefetch -Kpreex -Knosp -Klibmil 146: -Kgs -Kprefetch -Knofuse -Knosp -Kauto -Klibmil -x-
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