
Digital Equipment Corp.

AlphaServer 8400 5/625

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SPECint_rate95 1583
SPECint_rate_base95 1416

Benchmark # and Name Base # Copies Base Run Time Base SPEC Ratio Peak # Copies Peak Run Time Peak SPEC Ratio
SPECint_rate_base95 1416
SPECint_rate95 1583

Tester Information:
SPEC License #: 2
Tested By: Digital NH
Test Date: Sep-97
Hardware Avail: Nov-97
Software Avail: Dec-97

Hardware Information:
Model Name: AlphaServer 8400 5/625
CPU: 612 MHz 21164
FPU: Integrated
Number of CPU(s): 10
Primary Cache: 8KB(I)+8KB(D) on chip
Secondary Cache: 96KB on chip
Other Cache: 4MB
Memory: 8GB (2x4GB)
Disk Subsystem: 4x4GB
Other Hardware: Ethernet

Software Information:
Operating System: Digital UNIX X4.0D-11
Compiler: DEC C T5.7-564-3678F
File System: UFS
System State: Multi User


Compiler: cc.alt -std1    Base: -O4 -arch ev56 -non_shared with om feedback 
Portability:  m88ksim: -DLEHOST  perl: -DI_TIME  vortex: -D__RISC_64__

Peak: all: -non_shared -ifo -inline speed      go: -O3, om fb 
m88ksim:  -O4 -speculate all, 2-pass fb       gcc: -O4 -arch ev56 -xtaso_short, 2-pass fb
perl:     -O4 -arch ev56 -lsys5, om fb     vortex: -O4 -fast -speculate all, 2-pass fb
compress: -O4 -arch ev56 -assume whole_program -lsys5, om fb
li:       -O4 -xtaso_short -speculate all -lsys5, 2-pass fb
ijpeg:    -O4 -fast -unsigned -arch ev56 -speculate all -lsys5, 2-pass fb

Om feedback: PASS1 = -prof_gen -prof_dir /tmp/prof
PASS2 =  -prof_use_om_feedback -prof_dir /tmp/prof

2-pass fb: PASS1 above w/ -gen_feedback; PASS2= -prof_use_feedback -prof_dir /tmp/prof -r
fdo_pre2  = mv %exename% rr; ld -o fb rr -lexc; pixie -pids fb -o %exename%
fdo_run2  = %command%
fdo_post2 = ld -om rr -o rrom -lexc; prof -pixie -merge fb.Counts fb fb.Addrs fb.Counts.*;
/usr/lib/cmplrs/cc.alt/om -om_split_procedures -om_ireorg_feedback fb -o %binary% rrom 
gcc and li add -taso to feedback ld commands.

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