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SPECfp_rate95 | 6013 |
SPECfp_rate_base95 | 5417 |
Benchmark # and Name | Base # Copies | Base Run Time | Base SPEC Ratio | Peak # Copies | Peak Run Time | Peak SPEC Ratio |
101.tomcatv | 64 | 357 | 5969 | 64 | 343 | 6210 |
102.swim | 64 | 621 | 7971 | 64 | 548 | 9037 |
103.su2cor | 64 | 182 | 4429 | 64 | 171 | 4721 |
104.hydro2d | 64 | 358 | 3865 | 64 | 333 | 4155 |
107.mgrid | 64 | 251 | 5728 | 64 | 249 | 5772 |
110.applu | 64 | 420 | 3017 | 64 | 410 | 3091 |
125.turb3d | 64 | 526 | 4487 | 64 | 438 | 5395 |
141.apsi | 64 | 134 | 9050 | 64 | 145 | 8341 |
145.fpppp | 64 | 895 | 6179 | 64 | 578 | 9560 |
146.wave5 | 64 | 281 | 6160 | 64 | 236 | 7311 |
SPECfp_rate_base95 | 5417 | |||||
SPECfp_rate95 | 6013 |
Tester Information:
SPEC License #: | 6 |
Tested By: | Sun, Mountain View |
Test Date: | Aug-97 |
Hardware Avail: | Aug-97 |
Software Avail: | Aug-97 |
Hardware Information:
Model Name: | Ultra Enterprise 10000 |
CPU: | 250MHz UltraSPARC |
FPU: | Integrated |
Number of CPU(s): | 64 |
Primary Cache: | 16KBI+16KBD on chip |
Secondary Cache: | 4MB(I+D) off chip |
Other Cache: | None |
Memory: | 16 GB |
Disk Subsystem: | 1 RSM Tray (2 x 9GB) |
Other Hardware: | Ethernet |
Software Information:
Operating System: | Solaris 2.5.1 |
Compiler: | Sun f77 5.0 alpha |
File System: | UFS |
System State: | Multiple User |
Kernel Extensions: | None |
Baseline: -fast -xarch=v8plusa -fsimple=2 -xprefetch Peak: 101.tomcatv: -fast -xarch=v8plusa -xpad=local:23 -xprefetch 102.swim: -fast -xarch=v8plusa -xpad=common:15 -xprefetch -fsimple=2 103.su2cor: -fast -xarch=v8plusa -xvector -Qoption cg -Qms_pipe+nfll=5 103 cont: -fsimple=2 -Qoption iropt -O4+bcopy -lmvec 104.hydro2d: -fast -xarch=v8plusa -xprefetch -Qoption iropt -O4+pde -fsimple=2 -xprofile=use 107.mgrid: -fast -xarch=v8plusa -xprefetch -fsimple=2 -Qoption iropt -O4+bcopy 110.applu: -fast -xarch=v8plusa -Qoption iropt 110 cont: -O4+ddint+scalarrep,-ldstr -fsimple=2 125.turb3d: -fast -xarch=v8plusa -stackvar -xpad -fsimple=2 -Qoption iropt -O4+invccexp 141.apsi: -fast -xarch=v8plusa -fsimple=2 -stackvar -Qoption iropt 141 cont: -Si36 -Qoption iropt -O4+bmerge -Qoption iropt -O4+algassoc 145.fpppp: -fast -xarch=v8plusa -xO5 -xsafe=mem -fsimple=2 145 cont: -Qoption iropt -O4+algassoc -xprofile=use 146.wave5: -fast -xarch=v8plusa -stackvar -fsimple=2 -Qoption iropt 146 cont: -O4+unroll -Qoption iropt -O4+bcopy
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