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SPECfp_rate95 | 4527 |
SPECfp_rate_base95 | 4290 |
Benchmark # and Name | Base # Copies | Base Run Time | Base SPEC Ratio | Peak # Copies | Peak Run Time | Peak SPEC Ratio |
101.tomcatv | 31 | 298 | 3466 | 31 | 254 | 4059 |
102.swim | 31 | 549 | 4372 | 31 | 438 | 5479 |
103.su2cor | 31 | 141 | 2780 | 31 | 138 | 2822 |
104.hydro2d | 31 | 247 | 2712 | 31 | 244 | 2743 |
107.mgrid | 31 | 210 | 3329 | 31 | 205 | 3411 |
110.applu | 31 | 316 | 1940 | 31 | 311 | 1972 |
125.turb3d | 31 | 233 | 4917 | 31 | 232 | 4940 |
141.apsi | 31 | 82.8 | 7072 | 31 | 81 | 7214 |
145.fpppp | 31 | 209 | 12816 | 31 | 213 | 12573 |
146.wave5 | 31 | 130 | 6421 | 31 | 120 | 6965 |
SPECfp_rate_base95 | 4290 | |||||
SPECfp_rate95 | 4527 |
Tester Information:
SPEC License #: | 2 |
Tested By: | Digital NH |
Test Date: | Nov-97 |
Hardware Avail: | Nov-97 |
Software Avail: | Jan-98 |
Hardware Information:
Model Name: | AlphaServer 8400 5/625 Cluster |
CPU: | 612 MHz 21164 |
FPU: | Integrated |
Number of CPU(s): | 32, 4-node, 8cpu per node |
Primary Cache: | 8KB(I)+8KB(D) on chip |
Secondary Cache: | 96KB (I+D) on chip |
Other Cache: | 4MB (I+D) off chip |
Memory: | 32GB (8GB/node) |
Disk Subsystem: | 9x RZ29B (4GB) |
Other Hardware: | Ethernet |
Memory Channel | |
Software Information:
Operating System: | Digital Unix V4.0D-11 |
TruCluster 1.5 | |
Compiler: | Fortran 77 V5.0-138-3678F |
KAPF V3.1a 970519, DFARTL 373 | |
File System: | NFS |
System State: | Multi User |
Compiler invocation: kf77 Base switches: -O5 Peak switches: tomcatv: -O5 -fkapargs='-ag=ab -fuselevel=2' swim: -O5 -transform_loops -fkapargs='-tune=ev4 -fuselevel=2 -ag=ab -r=1 -ur=2 -ur2=600 ' su2cor: -O5 -speculate all -transform_loops -fkapargs='-ur=4' hydro2d: -O5 -inline speed -fkapargs='-tune=ev4 -ur=8 -ur2=400 -ur3=10' mgrid: -O5 -speculate all -fkapargs='-fuselevel=1 -ipa' applu: -O5 -fkapargs='-tune=ev4 -fuse -ag=a -ur3=10' turb3d: -O5 -fkapargs='-fuse -fuselevel=2 -ipa' apsi: -O5 -transform_loops -fkapargs='-ag=ab -ur=4 -ur2=800 -ipa_optimize=2' fpppp: -O2 -om -fkapargs='-so=0 -o=0' wave5: -O5 -speculate all -fkapargs='-ipa -ag=a -ur=5 -ur2=600' om is invoked via cc.alt driver (setenv DECFORT_CC cc.alt) For remote node cluster runs: submit00n=rsh sysname "cd %dir%; %command% && exit 0"
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