SPEC Benchmark CINT95rate Summary

                     Base      Base      Base      Peak      Peak      Peak
   Benchmarks    # Copies  Run Time      Rate  # Copies  Run Time      Rate
   ------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------  --------
   099.go              64       241     10986        64     234       11299 
   124.m88ksim         64       121      9045        64      94.8     11549 
   126.gcc             64       578      1695        64     343        2853 
   129.compress        64       140      7423        64     128        8078 
   130.li              64       146      7515        64     120        9120 
   132.ijpeg           64       142      9762        64     144        9627 
   134.perl            64       110      9956        64     124        8856 
   147.vortex          64       182      8546        64     165        9399 
   SPECint_rate_base95 (G. M.)           7270                              
   SPECint_rate95 (Geom. Mean)                                         8274

                              TESTER INFORMATION
     SPEC License #: 2
          Tested By: Digital NH
          Test Date: Jan-98 
     Hardware Avail: Jan-98
     Software Avail: Jan-98

         Model Name: AlphaServer 8400 5/625 Cluster
                CPU: 612 MHz 21164
                FPU: Integrated
   Number of CPU(s): 64, 8-node (8 cpus/node)
      Primary Cache: 8KB(I)+8KB(D) on chip
    Secondary Cache: 96KB (I+D) on chip
        Other Cache: 4MB (I+D) off chip
             Memory: 64GB (8GB / node)
     Disk Subsystem: (8) RZ1C 4GB
     Other Hardware: Ethernet
                     Memory Channel
                     HSZ70 IO Controller

   Operating System: Digital Unix V4.0D-14
                     TruCluster 1.5
           Compiler: DEC C T5.7-566-367A7
        File System: NFS
       System State: Multi User

Compiler: cc.alt -std1    Base: -O4 -arch ev56 -non_shared with om feedback 
Portability:  m88ksim: -DLEHOST  perl: -DI_TIME  vortex: -D__RISC_64__

Peak: all: -non_shared -ifo -inline speed      go: -O3, om fb 
m88ksim:  -O4 -speculate all, 2-pass fb       gcc: -O4 -arch ev56 -xtaso_short, 2-pass fb
perl:     -O4 -arch ev56 -lsys5, om fb     vortex: -O4 -fast -speculate all, 2-pass fb
compress: -O4 -arch ev56 -assume whole_program -lsys5, om fb
li:       -O4 -xtaso_short -speculate all -lsys5, 2-pass fb
Om feedback: PASS1 = -prof_gen -prof_dir /tmp/prof
.            PASS2 =  -prof_use_om_feedback -prof_dir /tmp/prof
2-pass fb: PASS1 above w/ -gen_feedback; PASS2= -prof_use_feedback -prof_dir /tmp/prof -r
fdo_pre2  = mv %exename% rr; ld -o fb rr -lexc; pixie -pids fb -o %exename%
fdo_run2  = %command%
fdo_post2 = ld -om rr -o rrom -lexc; prof -pixie -merge fb.Counts fb fb.Addrs fb.Counts.*;
/usr/lib/cmplrs/cc.alt/om -om_split_procedures -om_ireorg_feedback fb -o %binary% rrom 
gcc and li add -taso to feedback ld commands.
remote runs: submit00n=rsh sysname "cd %dir%; %command% && exit 0"
sysconfigtab parameters tcp_ttl = 20