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SPECint95 | 14.7 |
SPECint_base95 | 14.4 |
Benchmark # and Name | Reference Time | Base Run Time | Base SPEC Ratio | Peak Run Time | Peak SPEC Ratio |
099.go | 4600 | 291 | 15.8 | 294 | 15.6 |
124.m88ksim | 1900 | 130 | 14.6 | 130 | 14.6 |
126.gcc | 1700 | 114 | 14.9 | 114 | 15.0 |
129.compress | 1800 | 137 | 13.1 | 134 | 13.5 | | 1900 | 141 | 13.4 | 137 | 13.9 |
132.ijpeg | 2400 | 159 | 15.1 | 157 | 15.3 |
134.perl | 1900 | 117 | 16.3 | 116 | 16.4 |
147.vortex | 2700 | 212 | 12.7 | 200 | 13.5 |
SPECint_base95 | 14.4 | ||||
SPECint95 | 14.7 |
Tester Information:
SPEC License #: | 2 |
Tested By: | Digital NH |
Test Date: | Jan-98 |
Hardware Avail: | Jan-98 |
Software Avail: | Jan-98 |
Hardware Information:
Model Name: | DIGITAL Server 3305 6500A |
CPU: | 500 MHz 21164 |
FPU: | Integrated |
Number of CPU(s): | 1 |
Primary Cache: | 8KB(I)+8KB(D) on chip |
Secondary Cache: | 96KB (I+D) on chip |
Other Cache: | 2MB (I+D) off chip |
Memory: | 1024MB |
Disk Subsystem: | RZ29B 4GB |
Other Hardware: | Ethernet |
Software Information:
Operating System: | Windows NT V4.0 Server |
Compiler: | Microsoft Visual C++ V5.0 |
Spike V1.1 | |
File System: | FAT |
System State: | Default |
Compiler: scc Baseline: -arch:ev56 -Ox *spk go:-arch:ev56 -Ox m88ksim,gcc : -arch:ev56 -Ox -Qagq, *spk compress: -O2 -Gs -arch:ev56 -Ob3 li: -Gs -arch:ev56 *spk with PASS2 -spike_hco -profile_accuracy:low ijpeg: -Ox -Gs -arch:ev56 *spk with PASS2 -spike_hco -profile_accuracy:low perl: -Gy -GF -Oi -arch:ev56 -QAgq *spk with PASS2 -profile_accuracy:low vortex: -O2 -arch:ev56 -QAgq *spk with PASS2 -spike_hco *spk means spike feedback: PASS1 = -prof_gen_spike -prof_dir:c:\tmp\prof PASS2 = -prof_use_spike -prof_dir:c:\tmp\prof Portability: m88ksim: -DLEHOST -DNT getopt.obj li: setargv.obj ijpeg:-DMSDOS perl:-DI_TIME -DMSDOS -D__STDC__=0 gcc: EXTRA_CFLAGS = -w -D__TURBOC__-D_MSDOS -D__STDC__=0 -DONLY_INT_FIELDS=0 -Dalloca=_alloca -DDeleteFile=unlink
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