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SPECint95 13.6
SPECint_base95 13.0

Benchmark # and Name Reference Time Base Run Time Base SPEC Ratio Peak Run Time Peak SPEC Ratio
099.go 460034513.332614.1
124.m88ksim 190016111.813514.1
126.gcc 170014112.013612.5
129.compress 180013013.913013.9
130.li 190016111.816011.9
132.ijpeg 240020012.019012.6
134.perl 190011616.411616.4
147.vortex 270019613.719613.8
SPECint_base95 13.0
SPECint95 13.6

Tester Information:
SPEC License #: 04
Tested By: SGI
Test Date: Feb-98
Hardware Avail: Mar-98
Software Avail: Sep-97

Hardware Information:
Model Name: Octane 1X 250MHz R10k
CPU: 250 MHz MIPS R10000 Processor Chip Revision: 3.1
FPU: MIPS R10010 Floating Point Chip Revision: 0.0
Number of CPU(s): 1
Primary Cache: 32KBI + 32KBD on chip
Secondary Cache: 1MB (I+D)
Other Cache: None
Memory: 128MB
Disk Subsystem: 1 SCSI 4.3GB
Other Hardware: None

Software Information:
Operating System: IRIX64 6.4
Compiler: MIPSpro C Compiler 7.2
IRIX Development Foundation 1.0 w/patch2687
File System: XFS
System State: Single-User


Portability Flags: all: -DUSG  gcc: -I./config -Dalloca=__builtin_alloca
.   PASS1 = -fb_create /tmp/FBDIR/$        where $ is the program name
.   PASS2 = -fb_opt /tmp/FBDIR/$           where $ is the program name
Base Flags: -Ofast=ip27 -IPA:use_intrinsic, FEEDBACK
Peak Flags:
go:       -O2 -n32 -mips4 -IPA:plimit=1000:small_pu=60:use_intrinsic \
.         -TARG:platform=ip27 -OPT:Olimit=0 -OPT:goto=off, FEEDBACK
m88ksim:  -O2 -n32 -mips4 -TARG:platform=ip27 -IPA:plimit=4000:space=100:small_pu=90:use_intrinsic \
.         -OPT:Olimit=0:fast_bit_intrinsics=on:ro=3:goto=off, FEEDBACK
gcc:      -Ofast=ip27 -IPA:use_intrinsic:callee_limit=1500:plimit=750:space=120:clone=on -OPT:fast_bit_intrinsics=on \
.         -LNO:fission=1:pwr2=off:prefetch=0 -OPT:ieee_arith=3, FEEDBACK
compress: -Ofast=ip27 -IPA:use_intrinsic, FEEDBACK
li:       -Ofast=ip27 -IPA:use_intrinsic:min_hot=12:callee_limit=750:plimit=12000 \
.         -IPA:space=200:clone=on:aggr_cprop=on -OPT:goto=off, FEEDBACK
ijpeg:    -Ofast=ip27 -LNO:fission=0:interchange=off:pf2=0:ou_max=2 -OPT:unroll_analysis=off:unroll_size=480:ieee_arith=3 \
.         -IPA:use_intrinsic:callee_limit=950:plimit=730:space=130:clone=on -OPT:goto=off, FEEDBACK
perl:     -Ofast=ip27 -IPA:use_intrinsic, FEEDBACK
vortex:   -Ofast=ip27 -IPA:use_intrinsic, FEEDBACK

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