
Digital Equipment Corp.

DIGITAL Server 7305 6533A

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SPECint95 16.9
SPECint_base95 16.8

Benchmark # and Name Reference Time Base Run Time Base SPEC Ratio Peak Run Time Peak SPEC Ratio
099.go 460026417.527117.0
124.m88ksim 190010218.610218.6
126.gcc 170095.717.89517.9
129.compress 180011915.111116.1
130.li 190012615.112615.1
132.ijpeg 240014017.114017.1
134.perl 190010717.810917.5
147.vortex 270016915.916916.0
SPECint_base95 16.8
SPECint95 16.9

Tester Information:
SPEC License #: 2
Tested By: Digital NH
Test Date: Feb-98
Hardware Avail: Jan-98
Software Avail: Jan-98

Hardware Information:
Model Name: DIGITAL Server 7305 6533A
CPU: 533 MHz 21164
FPU: Integrated
Number of CPU(s): 1
Primary Cache: 8KB(I)+8KB(D) on chip
Secondary Cache: 96KB (I+D) on chip
Other Cache: 4MB (I+D) off chip
Memory: 6GB
Disk Subsystem: RZ29B 4GB
Other Hardware: Ethernet

Software Information:
Operating System: Microsoft Windows NT V4.0 Server
Compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ V5.0
SPIKE 1.1 (build 186)
File System: FAT
System State: Default


Compiler: scc    Baseline: -arch:ev56 -fast -profile_accuracy:low *spk

go: -arch:ev56 -Ox
gcc, m88ksim, perl, vortex: same as baseline plus -QAgq
compress: -arch:ev56 -Ox -Gs -Ob4
li, ijpeg: same as baseline plus -Gs

*spk means spike feedback:
PASS1 = -prof_gen_spike -prof_dir:c:\tmp\prof
PASS2 = -prof_use_spike -prof_dir:c:\tmp\prof

Portability:  m88ksim: -DLEHOST -DNT getopt.obj li: setargv.obj ijpeg:-DMSDOS
-D__STDC__=0 -DONLY_INT_FIELDS=0 -Dalloca=_alloca -DDeleteFile=unlink

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