SPECjbb2000 SPECjbb2000 = 12280 ops/s
IBM Corporation Netfinity 7000 M10
IBM Corporation J2RE 1.3.0 IBM build cndev-20000512

Warehouses Ops/s Incl. in metric
1 3468
2 6829
3 9686
4 12399
5 12505 *
6 12427 *
7 12310 *
8 12259 *
9 12134 *
10 12044 *
SPECjbb2000 (from 5 to 10) 12280 ops/s

SPEC license # 11 Tested by: IBM Corporation Test date: May 25, 2000

Hardware Vendor IBM Corporation
Vendor URL http://www.ibm.com
Model Netfinity 7000 M10
Processor Pentium II Xeon
MHz 400
# of Procs 4 cores, 4 chips, 1 core/chip
Memory (MB) 1280
Primary cache 16KBI+16KBD
Secondary cache 1MB
Other cache  
Filesystem NTFS
Disks 1 x 8GB SCSI (classes) 1 x 8GB SCSI (OS)
Other hardware  
Software Vendor IBM Corporation
Vendor URL http://www.ibm.com
Java Precompiler Version  
Java Precompiler Command Line  
Java Precompiler Way Of Excluding Classes  
JVM Version J2RE 1.3.0 IBM build cndev-20000512
JVM Command Line java -ms1024m -mx1024m spec.jbb.JBBmain -propfile props\SPECjbb.props.1024
JVM Initial Heap Memory (MB) 1024
JVM Maximum Heap Memory (MB) 1024
JVM CLASSPATH .\jbb.jar;
JVM BOOTCLASSPATH g:\java\jre\lib\rt.jar;
OS Version Windows NT 4.0 Server Enterprise Edition, Service Pack 5
System state normal
Other software  
Test Information
Tested by IBM Corporation
SPEC license # 11
Test location Austin, TX
Test date May 25, 2000
H/w available Feb-1999
JVM available Jun-2000
OS available May-1999
Other s/w available  

Details of Runs

Warehouses Thrput Total heap (MB) Thread spread % % > 120s transaction type Count Time (in seconds)
SizeUsed totalmax
1 3468 1024 26.4 <0.01% <0.01 new_order 180927 67.6 .406
payment 180926 26.6 .016
order_status 18094 2.72 .016
delivery 18092 5.63 .016
stock_level 18093 13.0 .016
2 6829 1024 44.3 .821% <0.01 new_order 356309 138 .437
payment 356309 52.3 .422
order_status 35631 5.18 .016
delivery 35631 12.0 .016
stock_level 35633 23.9 .422
3 9686 1024 60.4 1.89% <0.01 new_order 505358 206 .484
payment 505356 79.3 .484
order_status 50537 8.49 .468
delivery 50535 17.9 .016
stock_level 50537 34.4 .468
4 12399 1024 77.0 1.60% <0.01 new_order 646921 276 .516
payment 646915 105 .515
order_status 64690 10.6 .016
delivery 64690 22.9 .516
stock_level 64693 47.8 .515
5 12505 1024 92.8 25.8% <0.01 new_order 652431 340 .625
payment 652430 130 .547
order_status 65243 13.8 .188
delivery 65243 31.6 .547
stock_level 65241 61.4 .594
6 12427 1024 108 19.1% <0.01 new_order 648370 406 .625
payment 648370 161 .718
order_status 64837 16.5 .204
delivery 64835 35.0 .578
stock_level 64839 71.8 .672
7 12310 1024 125 25.3% <0.01 new_order 642245 476 .734
payment 642229 189 .641
order_status 64225 16.6 .204
delivery 64223 43.6 .797
stock_level 64224 84.0 .796
8 12259 1024 141 10.8% <0.01 new_order 639626 552 .829
payment 639625 208 .734
order_status 63963 22.9 .766
delivery 63965 48.3 .391
stock_level 63960 92.7 .750
9 12134 1024 156 16.5% .378 new_order 635465 632 .984
payment 635451 228 .844
order_status 63546 27.4 .687
delivery 63545 47.4 .687
stock_level 63545 102 .844
10 12044 1024 171 20.5% <0.01 new_order 628376 698 .985
payment 628385 257 .875
order_status 62838 26.3 .938
delivery 62841 52.1 .735
stock_level 62836 124 1.08

SPECjbb2000 Version: [SPECjbb2000 1.0, May 26, 2000]
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