SPECjbb2000 SPECjbb2000 = 20873 ops/s
IBM Corporation Netfinity 8500 R
IBM Corporation J2RE 1.3.0 IBM build cndev-20000503

Warehouses Ops/s Incl. in metric
1 6146
2 11719
3 16828
4 21128 *
5 20993 *
6 20828 *
7 20599 *
8 20816 *
9 20652
10 20706
11 20433
12 20722
13 20529
14 20624
15 20580
16 20400
SPECjbb2000 (from 4 to 8) 20873 ops/s

SPEC license # 11 Tested by: IBM Corporation Test date: Jun 13, 2000

Hardware Vendor IBM Corporation
Vendor URL http://www.ibm.com
Model Netfinity 8500 R
Processor Pentium III Xeon
MHz 700
# of Procs 4 cores, 4 chips, 1 core/chip
Memory (MB) 4096
Primary cache 16KB(I)+16KB(D)
Secondary cache 2MB
Other cache  
Filesystem NTFS
Disks 1 x 16GB SCSI (classes) 1 x 16GB SCSI (OS)
Other hardware  
Software Vendor IBM Corporation
Vendor URL http://www.ibm.com
Java Precompiler Version  
Java Precompiler Command Line  
Java Precompiler Way Of Excluding Classes  
JVM Version J2RE 1.3.0 IBM build cndev-20000503
JVM Command Line java -ms1536m -mx1536m spec.jbb.JBBmain -propfile pbob\spec.3\SPECjbb.props > output1 2>&1
JVM Initial Heap Memory (MB) 1536
JVM Maximum Heap Memory (MB) 1536
JVM CLASSPATH \pbob\SPECjbb2000-QA\jbb.jar;
JVM BOOTCLASSPATH d:\java\java\jre\lib\rt.jar;
OS Version Windows NT 4.0 Server Enterprise Edition, Service Pack 5
System state normal
Other software  
Test Information
Tested by IBM Corporation
SPEC license # 11
Test location Austin, TX
Test date Jun 13, 2000
H/w available Jun-2000
JVM available Jun-2000
OS available May-1999
Other s/w available  
8 physical CPU machine booted with /numproc=4 to enable only 4 CPUs.

Details of Runs

Warehouses Thrput Total heap (MB) Thread spread % % > 120s transaction type Count Time (in seconds)
SizeUsed totalmax
1 6146 1536 27.2 <0.01% <0.01 new_order 320668 72.2 .453
payment 320662 23.9 .016
order_status 32066 2.62 .016
delivery 32067 6.17 .016
stock_level 32067 11.3 .016
2 11719 1536 44.8 .964% <0.01 new_order 611412 141 .500
payment 611419 50.0 .484
order_status 61143 4.92 .016
delivery 61141 12.7 .016
stock_level 61141 23.1 .016
3 16828 1536 62.6 2.51% <0.01 new_order 877975 214 .531
payment 877977 74.7 .516
order_status 87799 7.55 .016
delivery 87799 19.1 .531
stock_level 87798 34.2 .516
4 21128 1536 80.5 6.02% <0.01 new_order 1102320 288 .579
payment 1102317 99.1 .578
order_status 110230 9.11 .016
delivery 110230 24.7 .016
stock_level 110234 44.0 .579
5 20993 1536 96.6 27.6% <0.01 new_order 1095262 360 .656
payment 1095271 122 .609
order_status 109528 12.6 .172
delivery 109527 32.1 .578
stock_level 109528 56.2 .594
6 20828 1536 113 38.1% <0.01 new_order 1086665 427 .735
payment 1086662 147 .625
order_status 108666 14.8 .359
delivery 108667 33.6 .625
stock_level 108666 72.5 .687
7 20599 1536 129 21.6% <0.01 new_order 1074734 499 .844
payment 1074739 175 .657
order_status 107475 17.0 .313
delivery 107475 43.1 .813
stock_level 107476 79.4 .813
8 20816 1536 144 14.6% <0.01 new_order 1086026 558 .844
payment 1086025 199 .829
order_status 108599 21.1 .735
delivery 108605 49.5 .828
stock_level 108608 99.8 .766
9 20652 1536 160 19.2% <0.01 new_order 1077502 627 .860
payment 1077514 229 .828
order_status 107749 21.5 .781
delivery 107752 54.0 .391
stock_level 107750 111 .703
10 20706 1536 176 13.1% <0.01 new_order 1080322 716 1.11
payment 1080307 246 .985
order_status 108031 26.0 1.00
delivery 108034 56.5 .781
stock_level 108031 117 .812
11 20433 1536 191 12.7% <0.01 new_order 1066096 788 1.14
payment 1066091 279 1.08
order_status 106609 25.8 .906
delivery 106609 62.7 .875
stock_level 106608 123 1.13
12 20722 1536 208 11.6% <0.01 new_order 1081152 854 1.53
payment 1081154 316 1.42
order_status 108113 25.5 .422
delivery 108113 65.0 1.16
stock_level 108115 132 1.00
13 20529 1536 224 15.5% <0.01 new_order 1071090 933 1.69
payment 1071088 327 1.80
order_status 107105 30.5 .516
delivery 107108 69.2 .625
stock_level 107107 153 1.52
14 20624 1536 239 13.2% <0.01 new_order 1076060 994 1.34
payment 1076050 339 1.69
order_status 107607 36.3 .579
delivery 107608 82.0 1.27
stock_level 107605 174 1.63
15 20580 1536 254 12.3% .039 new_order 1074151 1099 2.11
payment 1074169 364 1.69
order_status 107414 41.3 .735
delivery 107416 72.9 1.13
stock_level 107414 174 1.84
16 20400 1536 270 16.9% <0.01 new_order 1064336 1150 1.75
payment 1064332 415 2.06
order_status 106432 36.6 .891
delivery 106432 76.9 1.14
stock_level 106433 180 1.52

SPECjbb2000 Version: [SPECjbb2000 1.0, May 26, 2000]
Reporting page, Copyright © 2000-2002 SPEC. All rights reserved