SPECjbb2000                     37074 ops/s

IBM Corporation IBM RS/6000 Model M80 (750 MHz)
IBM Corporation J2RE 1.3.0 IBM AIX 5L for PowerPC (64 bit JVM)
SPEC license # 11,  Tested by: IBM Corporation,  Test date: Aug 3, 2001


                   SPEC scores      
Warehouses Thrput    
   1       7374      
   2       17352     
   3       28851     
 * 4       38078     
 * 5       37503     
 * 6       36988     
 * 7       36606     
 * 8       36195     
Throughput 37074     

HARDWARE                              | SOFTWARE                             
Vendor           IBM Corporation      | Vendor           IBM Corporation     
Vendor URL       http://www.ibm.com   | Vendor URL       http://www.ibm.com  
Model            IBM RS/6000 Model    | Precompiler, if                      
                 M80 (750 MHz)        | any                              
Processor        RS64 IV              | Precompiler                          
MHz              750                  | Command Line                     
# of Procs       4 cores, 4 chips, 1  | Way Precompiler                      
                 core/chip            | Excludes Methods                 
Memory (MB)      8192                 | JVM Version      J2RE 1.3.0 IBM AIX  
L1 Cache         128KB(I)+128KB(D) on |                  5L for PowerPC (64  
                 chip                 |                  bit JVM)            
L2 Cache         8MB(I+D) off chip    | Command Line     java -ms7168m       
Other Cache                           |                  -mx7168m            
Filesystem       JFS                  |                  -spec.jbb.JBBmain   
Disks            1 x 9.1GB 7200rpm    |                  -propfile           
                 16-bit SCSI          |                  SPECjbb.props       
Other H/W                             | Initial Heap Mem 7168                
                                      | (MB)                             
                                      | Max Heap Mem     7168                
                                      | (MB)                             
                                      | JVM CLASSPATH    ./jbb.jar:./jbb_no_p
                                      |                  recompile.jar:./chec
                                      |                  k.jar:./reporter.jar
                                      | JVM              /java/caix641304-200
                                      | BOOTCLASSPATH    10726/jre/bin:/java/
                                      |                  caix641304-20010726/
                                      |                  jre/bin/classic:/usr
                                      |                  /lib                
                                      | OS Version       AIX 5L V5.1         
                                      | System state     normal              
                                      | Other S/W                            
                                      | TUNING AND NOTES                     
                                      | Operating system                     
                                      | tunings<UL></LI><LI>SPINLOOPTIME=2000
                                      | </LI></UL>                           
                                      | APAR IY21957: New hardware support   
                                      | for Sept-2001                        
TEST INFORMATION                     
Tested by          IBM Corporation   
SPEC License       11                
Test Location      Austin, TX        
Test Date          Aug 3, 2001       
JVM available      Aug-2001          
H/w available      Sep-2001          
OS available       Sep-2001          
Other s/w                            

* Details of Runs

Wh  Score Tot.    Used    Thread elapsed Trans. Type   Count   Resp. Time (s)
          Heap    Heap    spread > 120s                        total max     
          (MB)    (MB)    %      %                                           
1   7374  7172.0  61.4    <0.01  <0.01   new_order     384762  69.2  <0.01   
                                         payment       384763  19.9  <0.01   
                                         order_status  38476   1.96  <0.01   
                                         delivery      38477   5.64  <0.01   
                                         stock_level   38477   12.2  <0.01   
2   17352 7172.0  67.1    .441   <0.01   new_order     905323  148   <0.01   
                                         payment       905326  44.5  1.01    
                                         order_status  90532   4.28  <0.01   
                                         delivery      90532   13.4  <0.01   
                                         stock_level   90533   23.4  <0.01   
3   28851 7172.0  90.2    1.06   <0.01   new_order     1505397 220   1.02    
                                         payment       1505396 65.3  <0.01   
                                         order_status  150540  6.93  <0.01   
                                         delivery      150540  21.5  <0.01   
                                         stock_level   150539  35.1  1.02    
4   38078 7172.0  116.5   2.50   <0.01   new_order     1986862 294   1.05    
                                         payment       1986858 87.4  1.02    
                                         order_status  198686  9.14  <0.01   
                                         delivery      198687  28.6  <0.01   
                                         stock_level   198686  46.4  1.03    
5   37503 7172.0  139.2   16.9   <0.01   new_order     1956823 367   1.09    
                                         payment       1956810 112   1.05    
                                         order_status  195682  11.1  .020    
                                         delivery      195681  36.0  .162    
                                         stock_level   195682  56.5  1.07    
6   36988 7172.0  159.0   11.1   <0.01   new_order     1929969 438   1.11    
                                         payment       1929965 135   1.10    
                                         order_status  192995  14.0  .020    
                                         delivery      192998  43.0  .257    
                                         stock_level   192997  68.7  1.07    
7   36606 7172.0  181.2   14.0   <0.01   new_order     1910059 518   1.15    
                                         payment       1910055 153   .398    
                                         order_status  191004  16.1  .060    
                                         delivery      191006  49.6  .277    
                                         stock_level   191004  78.8  1.14    
8   36195 7172.0  201.1   2.61   <0.01   new_order     1888601 582   1.16    
                                         payment       1888603 177   1.15    
                                         order_status  188859  19.0  .190    
                                         delivery      188859  58.7  1.13    
                                         stock_level   188858  95.1  1.16    

SPECjbb2000 Version: [SPECjbb2000 1.01, September 7, 2000]
Reporting page (C) Copyright SPEC, 2000-2002. All rights reserved