SPECjbb2000                     49211 ops/s

IBM Corporation xSeries 360
IBM Corporation J2RE 1.3.1 IBM build cxia32131-20020302 (JIT enabled: jitc)
SPEC license # 11,  Tested by: IBM Corporation,  Test date: Jul 11, 2002


                   SPEC scores      
Warehouses Thrput    
   1       9733      
   2       18261     
   3       25823     
   4       30897     
   5       38120     
   6       44501     
   7       46906     
 * 8       49729     
 * 9       49406     
 * 10      49428     
 * 11      49327     
 * 12      49231     
 * 13      49322     
 * 14      49151     
 * 15      48868     
 * 16      48442     
   17      47754     
   18      47601     
Throughput 49211     

HARDWARE                              | SOFTWARE                             
Vendor           IBM Corporation      | Vendor           IBM Corporation     
Vendor URL       http://www.ibm.com   | Vendor URL       http://www.ibm.com  
Model            xSeries 360          | Precompiler, if                      
Processor        Pentium Xeon MP      | any                              
MHz              1600                 | Precompiler                          
# of Procs       4 cores, 4 chips, 1  | Command Line                     
                 core/chip            | Way Precompiler                      
                 (Hyper-Threading     | Excludes Methods                 
                 Technology enabled)  | JVM Version      J2RE 1.3.1 IBM build
Memory (MB)      2048                 |                  cxia32131-20020302  
L1 Cache         12KBI+8KBD           |                  (JIT enabled: jitc) 
L2 Cache         256KB(I+D) on chip   | Command Line     java -Xms1024m      
                 (per CPU)            |                  -Xmx1024m -Xrs      
Other Cache      1024KB L3 (per CPU)  |                  spec.jbb.JBBmain    
Filesystem       Ext. 2               |                  -propfile           
Disks            2 x 36GB SCSI        |                  SPECjbb.props       
Other H/W                             | Initial Heap Mem 1024                
                                      | (MB)                             
                                      | Max Heap Mem     1024                
                                      | (MB)                             
                                      | JVM CLASSPATH    ./jbb.jar:./jbb_no_p
                                      |                  recompile.jar:./chec
                                      |                  k.jar:./reporter.jar
                                      |                  :                   
                                      | JVM              /opt/IBMJava2-131/jr
                                      | BOOTCLASSPATH    e/bin:/opt/IBMJava2-
                                      |                  131/jre/bin/classic:
                                      |                  :/usr/lib           
                                      | OS Version       Redhat 7.2 with     
                                      |                  2.4.18-0.26 Kernel  
                                      | System state     normal              
                                      | Other S/W                            
                                      | TUNING AND NOTES                     
TEST INFORMATION                     
Tested by          IBM Corporation   
SPEC License       11                
Test Location      RTP, NC           
Test Date          Jul 11, 2002      
JVM available      Dec-2001          
H/w available      Sep-2002          
OS available       Apr-2002          
Other s/w                            

* Details of Runs

Wh  Score Tot.    Used    Thread elapsed Trans. Type   Count   Resp. Time (s)
          Heap    Heap    spread > 120s                        total max     
          (MB)    (MB)    %      %                                           
1   9733  1638.1  28.8    <0.01  <0.01   new_order     507836  69.1  <0.01   
                                         payment       507836  20.9  <0.01   
                                         order_status  50784   2.59  <0.01   
                                         delivery      50784   6.24  <0.01   
                                         stock_level   50783   15.2  .088    
2   18261 1638.1  47.4    1.50   <0.01   new_order     952835  137   .097    
                                         payment       952834  43.4  .099    
                                         order_status  95283   5.58  <0.01   
                                         delivery      95283   13.3  <0.01   
                                         stock_level   95284   29.1  .095    
3   25823 1638.1  67.1    15.8   <0.01   new_order     1347390 205   .117    
                                         payment       1347396 64.8  .106    
                                         order_status  134740  8.43  <0.01   
                                         delivery      134737  20.4  .109    
                                         stock_level   134739  43.0  .115    
4   30897 1638.1  84.6    16.8   .017    new_order     1612306 272   .131    
                                         payment       1612312 86.5  .123    
                                         order_status  161231  11.0  .120    
                                         delivery      161231  27.6  .124    
                                         stock_level   161231  59.5  .126    
5   38120 1638.1  101.7   20.6   <0.01   new_order     1989029 340   .141    
                                         payment       1989032 110   .135    
                                         order_status  198902  13.6  <0.01   
                                         delivery      198904  34.3  .133    
                                         stock_level   198904  72.5  .127    
6   44501 1638.1  119.6   29.1   <0.01   new_order     2321989 408   .144    
                                         payment       2321988 132   .145    
                                         order_status  232199  16.4  <0.01   
                                         delivery      232197  41.3  .135    
                                         stock_level   232196  86.8  .148    
7   46906 1638.1  138.8   20.7   <0.01   new_order     2447485 475   .164    
                                         payment       2447486 155   .158    
                                         order_status  244748  19.2  <0.01   
                                         delivery      244749  48.9  .152    
                                         stock_level   244746  103   .166    
8   49729 1638.1  154.8   2.27   .013    new_order     2594878 542   .173    
                                         payment       2594872 179   .167    
                                         order_status  259486  22.4  .165    
                                         delivery      259487  56.8  .160    
                                         stock_level   259489  116   .170    
9   49406 1638.1  171.7   18.4   <0.01   new_order     2577910 608   .468    
                                         payment       2577919 201   .177    
                                         order_status  257793  25.9  .173    
                                         delivery      257794  64.2  .162    
                                         stock_level   257791  132   .186    
10  49428 1638.1  189.2   33.0   <0.01   new_order     2579052 678   .291    
                                         payment       2579040 221   .299    
                                         order_status  257903  28.1  .151    
                                         delivery      257904  70.5  .191    
                                         stock_level   257906  148   .314    
11  49327 1638.1  205.5   31.1   <0.01   new_order     2573794 746   .383    
                                         payment       2573781 245   .250    
                                         order_status  257376  30.8  .199    
                                         delivery      257381  76.7  .298    
                                         stock_level   257376  159   .206    
12  49231 1638.1  222.7   30.2   <0.01   new_order     2568780 811   .298    
                                         payment       2568780 271   .303    
                                         order_status  256876  33.9  .185    
                                         delivery      256879  83.2  .300    
                                         stock_level   256879  172   .334    
13  49322 1638.1  237.5   36.4   <0.01   new_order     2573538 877   .375    
                                         payment       2573527 289   .346    
                                         order_status  257352  38.6  .220    
                                         delivery      257352  92.2  .279    
                                         stock_level   257352  192   .374    
14  49151 1638.1  254.1   27.0   <0.01   new_order     2564611 951   .325    
                                         payment       2564609 310   .290    
                                         order_status  256460  38.7  .229    
                                         delivery      256460  98.0  .262    
                                         stock_level   256457  204   .357    
15  48868 1638.1  270.7   20.2   <0.01   new_order     2549831 1000  .385    
                                         payment       2549833 343   .275    
                                         order_status  254981  43.9  .338    
                                         delivery      254978  104   .343    
                                         stock_level   254982  223   .341    
16  48442 1638.1  287.1   2.53   .017    new_order     2527840 1081  .406    
                                         payment       2527845 363   .293    
                                         order_status  252781  41.9  .216    
                                         delivery      252784  109   .372    
                                         stock_level   252787  239   .415    
17  47754 1638.1  302.3   12.4   <0.01   new_order     2491710 1147  .472    
                                         payment       2491703 380   .424    
                                         order_status  249170  45.0  .301    
                                         delivery      249171  110   .310    
                                         stock_level   249177  260   .443    
18  47601 1638.1  316.7   13.6   <0.01   new_order     2483715 1199  .500    
                                         payment       2483709 414   .480    
                                         order_status  248375  49.0  .301    
                                         delivery      248373  118   .445    
                                         stock_level   248373  278   .391    

SPECjbb2000 Version: [SPECjbb2000 1.02, December 14, 2001]
Reporting page (C) Copyright SPEC, 2000-2002. All rights reserved