SPECjbb2000                     63414 ops/s

Hewlett-Packard Company HP server rx5670 (1000 MHz, Itanium 2)
Hewlett-Packard Company Hotspot on HP-UX 11i v1.6 for Itanium 2
SPEC license # 3,  Tested by: Hewlett-Packard Company,  Test date: Sep 18, 2002


                   SPEC scores      
Warehouses Thrput    
   1       15746     
   2       33067     
   3       48553     
 * 4       63773     
 * 5       63545     
 * 6       63447     
 * 7       63192     
 * 8       63114     
Throughput 63414     

HARDWARE                              | SOFTWARE                             
Vendor           Hewlett-Packard      | Vendor           Hewlett-Packard     
                 Company              |                  Company             
Vendor URL       http://www.hp.com    | Vendor URL       http://www.hp.com   
Model            HP server rx5670     | Precompiler, if                      
                 (1000 MHz, Itanium   | any                              
                 2)                   | Precompiler                          
Processor        Itanium 2            | Command Line                     
MHz              1000                 | Way Precompiler                      
# of Procs       4 cores, 4 chips, 1  | Excludes Methods                 
                 core/chip            | JVM Version      Hotspot on 
Memory (MB)      32GB                 |                  HP-UX 11i v1.6 for  
L1 Cache         16KBI+16KBD (on      |                  Itanium 2           
                 chip) per CPU        | Command Line     java -XX:+ServerApp 
L2 Cache         256KB (on chip) per  |                  -XX:+AggressiveHeap 
                 CPU                  |                  -spec.jbb.JBBmain   
Other Cache      L3 3.0 MB (on chip)  |                  -propfile Test1     
                 per CPU              | Initial Heap Mem 1800m               
Filesystem       VxFS                 | (MB)                             
Disks            1 x 9GB SCSI disk    | Max Heap Mem     1800m               
                 (root+ swap)         | (MB)                             
Other H/W                             | JVM CLASSPATH    ./jbb.jar:./jbb_no_p
                                      |                  recompile.jar:./chec
                                      |                  k.jar:./reporter.jar
                                      |                  :                   
                                      | JVM              /opt/java1.3/jre/bin
                                      | BOOTCLASSPATH    /../lib/IA64/native_
                                      |                  threads:/opt/java1.3
                                      |                  /jre/bin/../lib/IA64
                                      |                  /laurentm3:/opt/java
                                      |                  1.3/jre/bin/../lib/I
                                      |                  A64::/usr/lib       
                                      | OS Version       HP-UX 11i v1.6      
                                      | System state     normal              
                                      | Other S/W                            
                                      | TUNING AND NOTES                     
                                      | "AggressiveHeap instructs the JVM to 
                                      | push memory use to the limit and to  
                                      | set the memory management policy to  
                                      | defer collection as long as          
                                      | possible."                           
TEST INFORMATION                     
Tested by          Hewlett-Packard   
SPEC License       3                 
Test Location      Cupertino, CA     
Test Date          Sep 18, 2002      
JVM available      Dec-2002          
H/w available      Jul-2002          
OS available       Jun-2002          
Other s/w                            

* Details of Runs

Wh  Score Tot.    Used    Thread elapsed Trans. Type   Count   Resp. Time (s)
          Heap    Heap    spread > 120s                        total max     
          (MB)    (MB)    %      %                                           
1   15746 1714.2  28.3    <0.01  .017    new_order     821689  64.2  .020    
                                         payment       821693  24.0  .020    
                                         order_status  82169   3.24  .020    
                                         delivery      82169   6.96  .020    
                                         stock_level   82169   10.0  .020    
2   33067 1719.3  53.8    <0.01  <0.01   new_order     1725221 136   .060    
                                         payment       1725218 51.1  .023    
                                         order_status  172522  5.33  .020    
                                         delivery      172521  14.3  .023    
                                         stock_level   172521  22.1  .040    
3   48553 1727.0  67.9    .825   <0.01   new_order     2533053 204   .080    
                                         payment       2533051 77.8  .088    
                                         order_status  253304  7.56  .020    
                                         delivery      253306  22.3  .023    
                                         stock_level   253304  30.8  .043    
4   63773 1736.6  97.9    1.05   <0.01   new_order     3327280 273   .600    
                                         payment       3327279 102   .600    
                                         order_status  332728  10.8  .093    
                                         delivery      332725  29.6  .112    
                                         stock_level   332727  41.6  .303    
5   63545 1743.8  103.2   11.1   <0.01   new_order     3315678 338   .813    
                                         payment       3315680 130   .728    
                                         order_status  331568  13.8  .120    
                                         delivery      331568  34.1  .708    
                                         stock_level   331569  53.6  .610    
6   63447 1750.2  123.0   6.39   <0.01   new_order     3310575 403   1.11    
                                         payment       3310565 158   .706    
                                         order_status  331057  18.4  .706    
                                         delivery      331057  41.5  .806    
                                         stock_level   331053  61.3  .706    
7   63192 1755.4  139.7   13.0   .017    new_order     3297531 474   .930    
                                         payment       3297534 182   1.03    
                                         order_status  329751  19.5  .780    
                                         delivery      329754  53.3  .689    
                                         stock_level   329755  69.7  .500    
8   63114 1753.9  162.7   6.95   .025    new_order     3293740 541   1.00    
                                         payment       3293737 201   1.11    
                                         order_status  329372  23.5  .400    
                                         delivery      329375  61.1  .800    
                                         stock_level   329372  79.8  .908    

SPECjbb2000 Version: [SPECjbb2000 1.02, December 14, 2001]
Reporting page (C) Copyright SPEC, 2000-2002. All rights reserved