SPECjbb2000                     47905 ops/s

RackSaver RSN-1164/op
IBM Corporation J2RE 1.3.1 IBM Windows 32 build cn131-20021107 (JIT enabled: jitc)
SPEC license # 2686,  Tested by: RackSaver/Newisys,  Test date: Apr 18, 2003


                   SPEC scores      
Warehouses Thrput    
   1       23837     
   2       47900     
 * 3       48151     
 * 4       47904     
 * 5       47883     
 * 6       47684     
   7       47541     
   8       47587     
Throughput 47905     

HARDWARE                              | SOFTWARE                             
Vendor           RackSaver            | Vendor           IBM Corporation     
Vendor URL       http://www.racksaver | Vendor URL       http://www.ibm.com  
                 .com                 | Precompiler, if                      
Model            RSN-1164/op          | any                              
Processor        AMD Opteron 244      | Precompiler                          
MHz              1800                 | Command Line                     
# of Procs       2 cores, 2 chips, 1  | Way Precompiler                      
                 core/chip            | Excludes Methods                 
Memory (MB)      4096                 | JVM Version      J2RE 1.3.1 IBM      
L1 Cache         64KBI+64KBD          |                  Windows 32 build    
L2 Cache         1MB on chip          |                  cn131-20021107 (JIT 
Other Cache      none                 |                  enabled: jitc)      
Filesystem       NTFS                 | Command Line     java -Xms1024m      
Disks            1 x 36GB SCSI        |                  -Xmx1024m -Xrs      
Other H/W        MISSING              | Initial Heap Mem 1024                
                                      | (MB)                             
                                      | Max Heap Mem     1024                
                                      | (MB)                             
                                      | JVM CLASSPATH    .\jbb.jar;.\jbb_no_p
                                      |                  recompile.jar;.\chec
                                      |                  k.jar;.\reporter.jar
                                      |                  ;                   
                                      | JVM              C:\wsdk_v5\appserver
                                      | BOOTCLASSPATH    \java\jre\bin;.;C:\W
                                      |                  INNT\System32;C:\WIN
                                      |                  NT;C:\WINNT\system32
                                      |                  ;C:\WINNT;C:\WINNT\S
                                      |                  ystem32\Wbem        
                                      | OS Version       Windows 2000        
                                      |                  Advanced Server     
                                      |                  (SP3)               
                                      | System state     normal              
                                      | Other S/W                            
                                      | TUNING AND NOTES                     
                                      | "Notes here"                         
TEST INFORMATION                     
Tested by          RackSaver/Newisys 
SPEC License       2686              
Test Location      Austin, TX        
Test Date          Apr 18, 2003      
JVM available      Feb-2003          
H/w available      Apr-2003          
OS available       Dec-2000          
Other s/w                            

* Details of Runs

Wh  Score Tot.    Used    Thread elapsed Trans. Type   Count   Resp. Time (s)
          Heap    Heap    spread > 120s                        total max     
          (MB)    (MB)    %      %                                           
1   23837 1024.1  32.3    <0.01  <0.01   new_order     1243648 71.6  .079    
                                         payment       1243647 20.1  .078    
                                         order_status  124364  2.42  .016    
                                         delivery      124365  8.66  .016    
                                         stock_level   124364  14.1  .078    
2   47900 1024.1  52.5    3.56   <0.01   new_order     2499148 143   .093    
                                         payment       2499151 43.0  .094    
                                         order_status  249914  4.79  .016    
                                         delivery      249915  16.5  .093    
                                         stock_level   249915  26.9  .094    
3   48151 1024.1  70.2    43.3   <0.01   new_order     2512205 214   .203    
                                         payment       2512206 66.4  .157    
                                         order_status  251220  7.07  .110    
                                         delivery      251220  24.3  .172    
                                         stock_level   251221  38.4  .126    
4   47904 1024.1  88.7    2.79   <0.01   new_order     2499341 281   .282    
                                         payment       2499340 92.1  .281    
                                         order_status  249935  8.08  .156    
                                         delivery      249935  33.4  .281    
                                         stock_level   249934  53.7  .187    
5   47883 1024.1  105.3   4.28   <0.01   new_order     2498252 356   .375    
                                         payment       2498259 112   .328    
                                         order_status  249826  14.1  .203    
                                         delivery      249827  37.5  .296    
                                         stock_level   249829  66.0  .391    
6   47684 1024.1  121.7   2.31   <0.01   new_order     2487836 419   .422    
                                         payment       2487837 139   .375    
                                         order_status  248785  13.9  .313    
                                         delivery      248785  51.9  .297    
                                         stock_level   248786  78.6  .375    
7   47541 1024.1  138.6   5.42   .013    new_order     2480726 476   .594    
                                         payment       2480735 166   .782    
                                         order_status  248073  16.9  .468    
                                         delivery      248073  60.3  .875    
                                         stock_level   248071  99.6  .422    
8   47587 1024.1  156.8   4.58   <0.01   new_order     2482773 566   .718    
                                         payment       2482773 182   .515    
                                         order_status  248279  19.8  .437    
                                         delivery      248280  63.5  .422    
                                         stock_level   248276  105   .500    

SPECjbb2000 Version: [SPECjbb2000 1.01, September 7, 2000]
Reporting page (C) Copyright SPEC, 2000-2002. All rights reserved