SPECjbb 2000 SPECjbb2000 = 104778 ops/s
Dell PowerEdge 1855
BEA Systems BEA WebLogic JRockit 1.5.0_02-b05 32-bit JVM(Build dra-+41772-20050225-1644-win-ia32)

Warehouses Ops/s Incl. in metric
1 41581
2 63991
3 93106
4 105590 *
5 104352 *
6 104760 *
7 104699 *
8 104489 *
SPECjbb2000 (from 4 to 8) 104778 ops/s

SPEC license # 55 Tested by: Dell Test date: Mar 3, 2005

Hardware Vendor Dell
Vendor URL http://www.dell.com
Model PowerEdge 1855
Processor Intel Xeon DP
MHz 3600
# of Procs 2 cores, 2 chips, 1 core/chip
Memory (MB) 8192
Primary cache 12KBI+16KBD
Secondary cache 2MB(I+D) on chip
Other cache  
Filesystem NTFS
Disks 1 x 36GB Ultra320 15000rpm SCSI
Other hardware  
Software Vendor BEA Systems
Vendor URL http://www.bea.com
Java Precompiler Version  
Java Precompiler Command Line  
Java Precompiler Way Of Excluding Classes  
JVM Version BEA WebLogic JRockit 1.5.0_02-b05 32-bit JVM(Build dra-+41772-20050225-1644-win-ia32)
JVM Command Line java -XXaggressive:memory,opt -XXlargepages -Xcleartype:alloc -XXcompactratio7 -XXminblocksize64k -XXfullsystemgc -Xms1800m -Xmx1800m -spec.jbb.JBBmain
JVM Initial Heap Memory (MB) 1800
JVM Maximum Heap Memory (MB) 1800
JVM CLASSPATH .\jbb.jar;
JVM BOOTCLASSPATH C:\SPECjbb2000\Benchmark\JVM\jrockit-jdk1.5.0_02\jre\lib\jrockit.jar;
OS Version Microsoft Windows 2003 Server, Standard Edition
System state normal
Other software  
Test Information
Tested by Dell
SPEC license # 55
Test location Austin, TX
Test date Mar 3, 2005
H/w available Feb-2005
JVM available May-2005
OS available Apr-2003
Other s/w available  

Details of Runs

Warehouses Thrput Total heap (MB) Thread spread % % > 120s transaction type Count Time (in seconds)
SizeUsed totalmax
1 41581 1800 44.7 <0.01% .013 new_order 2169742 66.8 .078
payment 2169748 28.9 .188
order_status 216976 2.09 .016
delivery 216975 7.00 .016
stock_level 216975 9.99 .094
2 63991 1800 66.8 .989% <0.01 new_order 3338665 133 .110
payment 3338667 57.5 .094
order_status 333866 4.77 .016
delivery 333866 14.6 .016
stock_level 333866 20.3 .109
3 93106 1800 87.8 4.28% <0.01 new_order 4857691 202 .312
payment 4857689 85.2 .312
order_status 485769 7.45 .016
delivery 485770 20.9 .016
stock_level 485770 30.8 .234
4 105590 1800 106 .956% .130 new_order 5516200 269 .469
payment 5516201 115 .469
order_status 551621 9.48 .157
delivery 551621 29.3 .110
stock_level 551621 40.2 .171
5 104352 1800 125 38.9% .065 new_order 5447999 331 .579
payment 5448006 144 .578
order_status 544799 12.9 .375
delivery 544801 34.7 .391
stock_level 544803 51.5 .391
6 104760 1800 142 40.6% <0.01 new_order 5465746 395 .750
payment 5465749 174 .594
order_status 546573 16.8 .375
delivery 546574 43.0 .453
stock_level 546574 61.0 .610
7 104699 1800 160 51.3% <0.01 new_order 5462584 473 .766
payment 5462577 196 .656
order_status 546256 15.1 .391
delivery 546258 43.5 .578
stock_level 546258 81.3 .781
8 104489 1800 176 19.7% <0.01 new_order 5451609 522 .781
payment 5451600 237 .875
order_status 545159 19.5 .562
delivery 545160 51.4 .563
stock_level 545160 90.6 .766

SPECjbb2000 Version: [SPECjbb2000 1.0, May 26, 2000]
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