Version 20250218. For the latest version of this information please see Server Efficiency Rating Tool (SERT) Client Configurations. Download client-configurations-2.0.xml to your SERT installation directory to support the current set of configurations. This file is for SERT 2.0.4 and beyond; for SERT 2.0.3, see Server Efficiency Rating Tool (SERT) 2.0.3 Client Configurations
Note: OS and JVM levels are assumed to include subsequent fix packs, unless the SERT architecture owner creates new option sets.
Configuration | CPU Client Count | CPU Options | Memory Client Count | Memory Options | Storage Client Count | Storage Options | Hybrid Client Count | Hybrid Options | Idle Client Count | Idle Options |
Note: NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Access) corresponds to the number of memory controllers in a system. Depending on the CPU model, this can equal the number of processor sockets or twice that number.
Option Set | Options |