SPECsfs97.v3 Result

LSI Logic :N4300
SPECsfs97.v3 =6589 Ops/Sec (Overall Response Time = 3.58 msec)


Performance Graph


Server Configuration and Availability
Vendor LSI Logic
Hardware Available Sept 2000
Software AvailableSept 2000
Date TestedSept 2000
SFS License Number61
Licensee LocationsWichita, Ks

CPU, Memory and Power
Model Name N4300
Processor UltraSPARC-II 400Mhz
# of Processors 4
Primary Cache 4k
Secondary Cache NA
Other Cache NA
Other Hardware NA
Memory Size 4 GB
NVRAM Size 1G total (256M/controller)
NVRAM Type CM1000 Write Cache
NVRAM Descriptionautosensing WB/WT depending on battery charge

Server Software
OS Name and VersionJetworksPlus 2.0
Other Software NA
File System VXFS
NFS version 3

Server Tuning
Buffer Cache Size Dynamic
# NFS Processes 128
Fileset Size 63.8 GB

Network Subsystem
Network Type 1000Mbit Sun GigabitEthernet
Network Controller Desc. Sun GigabitEthernet P2.0 PCI
Number Networks 2
Number Network Controllers2
Protocol Type TCP

Switch Type Xylan Omni Switch
Bridge Type NA
Hub Type NA
Other Network Hardware NA

Disk Subsystem and Filesystems
Number Disk Controllers 3
Number of Disks 62
Number of Filesystems 12
File System Creation OpsN/A
File System Config N/A

Disk Controller On-board Ultra-WideSCSIInterface
# of Controller Type 1
Number of Disks 2
Disk Type SCSI 18GB 10k (Part# 348-0041301)
File Systems on Disks OS, SWAP, VAR, dump
Special Config Notes The 2 internal drives are software mirrored

Disk Controller JNI PCI Bus to Fibre Channel FCI-1063-N
# of Controller Type 2
Number of Disks 60
Disk Type SCSI 18GB 10k (Part# 348-0041301)
File Systems on Disks c1=f1-f6 c2=f7-f12
Special Config Notes See Other Notes

Load Generator (LG) Configuration
Number of Load Generators 8
Number of Processes per LG12
Biod Max Read Setting 4
Biod Max Write Setting 4

LG Type LG1
LG Model Ultra-1 Sparc
Number and Type Processors248 Mhz Ultra-1 Sparc
Memory Size 512MB
Operating System Solaris 2.6
Compiler default binary
Compiler Options default binary
Network Type Sun GigabitEthernet P2.0 PCI

LG Type LG2
LG Model UltraSparc-IIi
Number and Type Processors360 Mhz UltraSparc-IIi
Memory Size 512MB
Operating System Solaris 2.6
Compiler default binary
Compiler Options default binary
Network Type Sun GigabitEthernet P2.0 PCI

Testbed Configuration
LG #LG TypeNetworkTarget File SystemsNotes
1LG1N1/fs1, /fs7, /fs4, /fs10, /fs2, /fs8, /fs5, /fs11, /fs3, /fs9, /fs6, /fs12NA
2LG1N2/fs1, /fs7, /fs4, /fs10, /fs2, /fs8, /fs5, /fs11, /fs3, /fs9, /fs6, /fs12NA
3LG1N1/fs1, /fs7, /fs4, /fs10, /fs2, /fs8, /fs5, /fs11, /fs3, /fs9, /fs6, /fs12NA
4LG1N2/fs1, /fs7, /fs4, /fs10, /fs2, /fs8, /fs5, /fs11, /fs3, /fs9, /fs6, /fs12NA
5LG2N1/fs1, /fs7, /fs4, /fs10, /fs2, /fs8, /fs5, /fs11, /fs3, /fs9, /fs6, /fs12NA
6LG2N2/fs1, /fs7, /fs4, /fs10, /fs2, /fs8, /fs5, /fs11, /fs3, /fs9, /fs6, /fs12NA
7LG2N1/fs1, /fs7, /fs4, /fs10, /fs2, /fs8, /fs5, /fs11, /fs3, /fs9, /fs6, /fs12NA
8LG2N2/fs1, /fs7, /fs4, /fs10, /fs2, /fs8, /fs5, /fs11, /fs3, /fs9, /fs6, /fs12NA

Other Notes

Tue Oct 31 15:32:53 2000