SPECweb99_SSL Result

 Hewlett-Packard : HP Integrity server rx7620        ||     NC    SPECweb99_SSL
 Zeus Technology Limited : Zeus 4.3r2                ||        

      SPEC has determined that this result was not in compliance with the
      SPECweb99_SSL run and reporting rules. Specifically, the result did
      not meet the 3 month availability requirement in the SPECweb99_SSL
      run rules due to a change in availability of a dependency of the
      web server.



               |  Conforming Simultaneous
   Iteration   |       Connections
      1        |         NC
      2        |         NC
      3        |         NC
    Median     |         NC

                              Availability Dates

All Hardware                  Dec-2004
HTTPS Software                Oct-2005
Operating System              Jul-2005
Supplemental System           Jul-2005


Vendor                        Hewlett-Packard
Model                         HP Integrity server rx7620
Processor                     Itanium2 1.6 GHz
# Processors                  8 cores, 8 chips, 1 core/chip
Primary Cache                 16KBI + 16KBD on chip
Secondary Cache               256KB unified on chip
Other Cache                   6144KB unified on chip
Memory                        64 GB (32x2GB)
Disk Subsystem                2x73GB(15K RPM)
Disk Controllers              Internal SCSI
Other Hardware                8 x HP Procurve 2724 Switch


Operating System              SuSE SLES9 SP2
File System                   See Notes
Other Software                gcc from distro

                                HTTPS Software

Vendor                        Zeus Technology Limited
HTTPS Software                Zeus 4.3r2
API                           ISAPI
Server Cache                  none
Log Mode                      Binary Log Format

                                 Test Sponsor

Test Date                     Sep-2005
Tested By                     Hewlett-Packard Company
SPEC License                  3


# of Controllers              8
Network Controllers           A9900A PCI-X Gigabit Ethernet
# of Nets                     8
Type of Nets                  Gigabit Ethernet
Network Speed                 1 Gb/s
MSL (sec)                     30 (Non RFC1122)
Time-Wait (sec)               60 (Non RFC1122)
MTU                           1500


# of Clients                  32
Model                         HP Integrity rx2600
Processor                     Intel Itanium2 1.0GHz
# of Processors               2
Memory                        6GB
Network Controller            HP A6825A
Operating System              HPUX 11i V2
Compiler                      B3901BA HP C/ANSI C

                            Benchmark Configuration

Requested Connections         7750
Fileset Size (MB)             24917.28

                           Notes/Tuning information

SUT Notes
    1 ReiserFS partition on Disc 1 for OS
    1 ext2 partition on Disc 1 for logs, mounted noatime,nodiratime
    1 ext2 partition on Disc 2 for fileset, mounted noatime,nodiratime
    Two separate instances of Zeus started via numactl --membind=N --cpubind=N
    corresponding to its NIC via taskset.
    Each Zeus.cgi bound to one CPU, and client loading adjusted accordingly

Operating System Notes
    ulimit -n 500000, default 1024
    NIC Transmit queue lengths set to 20000 via ifconfig, default 100
    NIC InterruptThrottleRate set to 700 via modprobe
    NIC RxDescriptors set to 512 via modprobe
    TSO disabled via ethtool, default enabled
    sysctl settings:
    echo `expr 128 \* 1024` > /proc/sys/vm/max_map_count
    7/8 of RAM configured for Cell Local Memory

HTTPS Software Notes
    Zeus Global Parameters:
    tuning!bind_any               no
    tuning!cache_cooling_time     0
    tuning!cache_files            569263
    tuning!cache_flush_interval   180000
    tuning!cache_large_file       1048576
    tuning!cache_max_bytes        0
    tuning!cache_small_file       16384
    tuning!cache_stat_expire      180000
    tuning!cbuff_size             65536
    tuning!fadvise!max_unflushed  2147483647
    tuning!keepalive              yes
    tuning!keepalive_timeout      1200
    tuning!keepalive_max          -1
    tuning!listen_queue_size      8192
    tuning!maxaccept              2048
    tuning!max_connections        -1
    tuning!modules!cgi!cleansize  0
    tuning!modules!isapi!enabled  yes
    tuning!modules!nsapi!enabled  no
    tuning!modules!stats!enabled  no
    tuning!multiple_accept        yes
    tuning!sendfile               no
    tuning!sendfile_reservefd     56000
    tuning!softservers            no
    tuning!so_rbuff_size          0
    tuning!so_wbuff_size          1048576
    tuning!ssl_keepalive yes
    tuning!ssl_sessioncache_size 9109
    tuning!ssl_diskcache    no
    tuning!ssl_cbuff_size   103000
    tuning!ssl_sessioncache_expiry 120
    tuning!timeout                600
    tuning!unique_bind            yes
    tuning!modules!cgi!cbuff_size 1048576
    tuning!num_children 4
    Zeus runningsite configuration:
    modules!cgi!enabled yes
    modules!isapi!enabled yes

    Zeus ISAPI interfacce used
    Zeus PEPP Toolkit (0.9) used for SPECweb99 dynamic content
    ./Configure --ssl=yes, compiled with gcc

Network Notes

Client Notes
    Client code generated with ./configure --enable-posix-threads
    HP-UX Tunable Parameters:
    max_thread_proc=4096  Number of threads per process (64)

Other Notes
    Tuning Disclosure: HP-20040122.txt
    Dynamic API: HP-20020723-API.tar.gz


Test Run Details
    Run    Conforming  Percent  |  Throughput  Response ops/sec/  Kbits/
    Num    Connections Conform  |  ops/sec     msec     loadgen   sec
      1    NC          NC       |  NC          NC       NC        NC
      2    NC          NC       |  NC          NC       NC        NC
      3    NC          NC       |  NC          NC       NC        NC